Wednesday, January 16, 2019

William A.C. Bryan arrived in Juab County during 1851 as a pioneer settler.

Several books and document's showing the history of Nephi, Utah have written something about William A.C. Bryan, so we thought we would give a free sample of what he did and share the words he wrote to his family on his 90th birthday in 1939. He was born in 1849, and upon his arrival in Nephi, kept a record of his contacts with local "Ancient Ones" including "Indian Juab" and "Old Salt". It appears he was the first one to install a private water system to his home; help build the local Tabernacle after Brigham Young summoned Juab County Saints to "getter done" in 1860; first Nephi telegraph operater in 1866, and given special recognition in Salt Lake when he was 96 years old and able to re-tap the same message that Brigham Young sent to President Abe Lincoln during Civil War era. Mr. Bryan became an attorney; in local LDS church leadership, and our records show he was a good friend to all, including my family. He was also a good businessman. He helped run a marble factory and at age 90, wanted people to come to his birthday celebration, but had the knack to sell his birthday postcards. Earlier today, we donated this original birthday program with his signature to the Daughters of Utah Pioneer Museum for Juab County.

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