Friday, January 25, 2019

Valentine Cards from yesteryear.

Candy, Chocolate's, flowers or a trip to Venice are dandy gifts for a special person, but just in case you havn't got that kind of dough, another great expression of devotion and love is simple. Consider a Valentines card made by you or with your own words or signature-sending it by mail or leave on their door step and run! We have three to share with the world. The first is sent from a soldier during World War One, directed to his little sister in Nephi, Utah. The second is from 1920 given from Eliza Hitesman Harris, to her ten year old daughter with the beautiful cursive note on the back "To Dear Little LaVon". The third is from the 1920 era, but not sure who it is to or from, but the beautiful colors; silk like edges and the words within-makes one yearn for a bonding and unconditional love of another or perhaps a melancholy feeling of a lost love with a hint of sadness-not only from the child but the pet nearby.



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