Friday, January 11, 2019

The Juab County 2019 Calender is out. Here is your chance to see those not included!

Shanna Memmott of the Juab County Travel Council has put out their 2019 calendar of beautiful places to visit, but needless to say, none of mine were close enough-even for a ribbon. It's not that I am a poor loser(well maybe), but decided to put mine here for the world to view. I love the professional ones in the calendar and even gave one to Senator Mike Lee's assistant, then directed more to the United States Senate to show city slickers the natural beauty of Ruralville, Utah. If they are out of the free ones at the DUP in Museum in Nephi, the printers at the Livingston Print Shop will have more for a small price and the owner just may autograph the one she took. For your consideration-here is the good, bad and the ugly, just like real life!

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