Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Although we didn't show all the tools I have used through the years, we took a groupie photo of some of the medical items that were given me to overcome some of the physical issues I have incurred through the years. A close scrutiny will show three different canes on a walker that have been in use by the Jones family, both Alma Jones and then Kent Jones. Alma had a blotched hip replacement that made his leg two inches shorter than the other, so he was in pain and required to used a cane to get around, but still fed his horse. That was long before they improved the procedure, as I used the same cane when I had my hip replacement a year ago in August and it went well. A sock slipper on device was used to put socks on with both hip and three knee surgeries including a knee replacement. I am grateful to even have my left leg, as the first incident was where another college student turned in front of me while I was riding a motorcycle and after hitting the turning car. I went head over heels through the air and they brought me back to life while laying on the asphalt road. That caused a broken back; broken jaw; ruptured insides and found my left leg laying next to my face. Medical folks wanted to amputate the leg as it was too far gone, but a brand new orthopedic surgeon wanted to try a new thing he had learned in school. I gave him the go ahead and Robert Metcalf Sr. saved my leg and we were friends until he passed away. Later on I had to have a complete knee replacement, and that was okay, until I received MERCER while in a Salt Lake area hospital. Needless to say, it was a fight for my life and if it wasn't for a sister and a niece to help give me special shots through out the day and night, I wouldn't have made it.  As I( and others) had broke my nose three times, an Ear, Throat and Nose "specialist" said he could correct my nose so I could breath better, but actually more interested in selling me some expensive ear devices. That became in issue as I had blown the anchor out the nose and nearly bleed to death. My son Justin saved my life in rushing me to ER as internal body functions started to shut down including the bladder. Again I was referred to a good Urologist and low and behold, he taught me how to self insert a 14 inch Catheter, telling me that it was only a temporary thing, relating to the blotched nose surgery. He was right, but always keep a Catheter handy, just in case. Some of the other implements include an eye patch, when I was shot in the face with a shotgun and lost vision in my right eye; three Rotator Cuff operations (and you thought we only had two shoulders)! One was playing golf too hard and the other two were the result of pulling irrigation hoses on the farm. The most recent incident was falling on my driveway a couple months ago, causing three subdural hematomas(blood on the brain) which has slowed me down. Although many politicians and medical folks would disagree, there is some indication the third hematoma turned into a blood clot, only because I had a shot that was supposed to prevent me from getting the China Virus, but some believe it actually gave me the COVID -19, and haven't quite had the energy and stamina I used to. Perhaps there is some truth to that but only time will tell or I am listening to old TV which is loaded with ads to tell of the many things that we may have if we have used anything that we have done or ate in the past as there are "Billions await us". A nd no I never did tried any of  those tobaccos enema's they used to use years ago. I also had a subdural hematoma forty years ago, only relieved by a burr hole in the front right portion of  the head; and a variety of other injuries, so there are some good times when I can blame all my malfunctions on the ten or so times I have cheated death. Some medical folks did save my life and then others have tried their best to push my death, and on one occasion I had to call 911 from my cell phone to get somebody to help when I fell out of a hospital bed and another time, when the same people mistakenly gave me the discharge papers of the wrong guy! HIPPA didn't like that, but that Salt Lake Valley Hospital still functions! Additionally, there is a container of pain pills that I haven't used, as I found out that with the brain injury, it only gave me more of a headache. Although politicians like to tell you to take no pain medications, my guess is many of them have not yet experienced real pain or what a family may go through with bone cancer. I have dealt with thousands of Substance Abusers, and in my opinion, that is not the main issue. The main problem is Depression, and they turn to the drugs and alcohol to relief  that ache, but too much money is made by calling it a drug or alcohol problem, and politicians and the media jump on the band wagon...but that is just a professional opinion. The positive thing is that I can blame any of my actions on Brain Damage....."honey was I supposed to flush the toilet before or after I use the toilet" but found that I can't be use that all the time. It is good to have family and friends that help, however.

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