Friday, August 25, 2023


As most local folks know, there aint many deer left in he Nephi area. Some blame the Fish and Game for selling too many permits to blind and young people. Others blame the lack of grass in the Forest, but no mention of the idea of "let it burn" by Forest Rangers and then others point their finger at local City and County officials for letting people build homes; business' and power lines where the deer used as their winter feeding grounds. Regardless, the Nephi Canyon near Heberville (Heber Ockey family farm) say more deer are killed there, than all the deer on the Loop Road. Although that area is known to locals as "Slaughter Point", Utah DOT refuse to put a deer crossing sign there until a person dies. DOT Protocol perhaps. Many can attest to the deer coming down for a drink in Salt Creek, including former Nephite Dean Bowles, who can attest to that. Here is a good and true story, and I told Dean, the Fish Cops may find difficulty finding evidence, then extraditing a 94 year old man, and to incarcerate him. He thought that may not be a bad idea!

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