Monday, August 28, 2023

THE LAW OF THE HARVEST-BY Dean Bowles-Chapter 6

 "For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Not is that only found in the Bible at Galatians 6:7, but the Law of the harvest that Dean and his family lived by. One of the Grandpa's of Dean was Jesse Pay, who was a sheep man, a barber, and he ran a mercantile store in Nephi. At one time, Jesse had a herd of 500 sheep, which Dean helped with. They would lamb in Dog Valley, west of Nephi, then the sheep were sheared and ran through the trough to remove the sheep ticks. In the wintertime, they were driven to Skull Valley out toward Delta. Dean was about 9 or 10 when he helped his grandpa. Jessie build the home that Vonda Bowles lives in now, at the corner of 5th North and Main. Jesse lived in the red brick home just south of Jay and Vonda. As a kid, I recall my father introducing me to Jesse, as he was a friend of  Rob Garrett, who was also a Sheepherder, and from what I hear, they were very religious and loved tending sheep and reading scriptures. Although it has been several decades ago, rumor was that Jesse was so in tune with God, that he could speak "in tongues" which only early and spiritual people of the Mormon faith could do. When Dean was 12 years old, he worked for his brother in law earning a dollar a day tramping the loose hay in the wagon. He also raised 75 pigs in a feed lot. He and his dad worked their dry land farm on the Levan Ridge, and at this time of year they would collect 18,000 pounds of wheat a day. All the land between Nephi and Levan produced high yield of dry land wheat, and Nephi became known as the "Wheat City" of America. Not any more. Dean, Jay and Earl were all short but built like a block. Each could easily throw a 90 pound sack of flour on the truck and do it all day long. My back hurts just to think of that!

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