Sunday, August 27, 2023


Today is Sunday, so it seems reasonable to submit information on former Nephite-Dean Bowles about the time he was "Called To Serve". After graduating from Juab High School in May, 1948, he enrolled at the AC college(now Utah State University), as he loved farming and wanted to further pursue his love of life on the farm as that was the only thing he really knew. One thing for sure, he didn't want to be a teacher, like his big brothers-Jay and Earl, after they returned from World War Two. During the summer of 1949, he returned to Nephi to help his family with the farm. He attended the LDS Church on Sunday, but was taken back when Bishop Dan Davis wanted him in his office. As Dean sat across the big desk of the local religious leader, the Bishop asked if he would like to go on an LDS Mission. Dean was shocked in thoughts that must have seemed like eternity. No, he didn't do any of those "Never-Evers", but since his brothers served in the Army instead of a Mission, and his parents taught him good Christian values, but the family were not really that active in the Church, Dean was shook up. Yes, he did attend Primary on Wednesday afternoon, and enjoyed being a Boy Trail Builder, being taught by Mae Wright and Hannah Boght, but wasn't prepared for a Mission. He had earned felt badges that were sewn onto bandolas, nothing ever prepared him to go without "Purse or Script" in the middle of nowhere. After a chat with his parents, he accepted the call from one of the Smith boys! No, not the Smiths from Nephi, but the head man in Salt Lake-George Albert Smith. He was called to serve in the California mission, and at the time, it was not that populated, as his area extended from Lone Pine on the north, to the Mexican Border and much of Arizona. Stake President James H. Ockey ordained him an Elder, and they soon booted him out and on his way. Apostle John A. Widtsoe set him apart as a legitimate LDS Preacher and he jumped on a train to LA. His mission President was Oscar W. McConkie Sr. who was a high and mighty Attorney; Judge and scholar. This writer recalls reading one of his books titled "A Dialogue At Golgotha". That is an excellent book for law students, as it describes the Judaism and Christian beliefs and the many laws the government broke in allowing the crucifixon of Jesus the Christ. This writer also had the opportunity of telephonically speaking to Oscar W. McConkie Jr. who was legally speaking on behalf of the LDS church. Oscar Jr. was a brother to Bruce R. McConkie who was a General Authority of the LDS Church. Dean Bowles honorably fulfilled his mission, and did so without much money. He was told to accept food and lodging from the good people they met along the way. They did, and even today, there are still good people all around us, and they don't even have to be LDS to be kind to those in need.

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