Monday, August 21, 2023

Today, we miss Justin Wm. Jones who departed 6 years ago.

The last 6 years has often gone by very slowly, but then again, it went fast. One day, all of us will be re-directed from our earth life, and called to our heavenly home. In the case of Dr. Richard Wm. Jones and Justin Wm. Jones, both of Nephi, Utah, their time on earth seems to have moved faster than normal. Dr. Jones was dedicated to saving and healing the life of animals, getting interested while working on the farm of his father-Vic Jones. At the time, "Spin Mac" was the only Vet type in town, and for a farm trained Vet, he was good. When Cancer hit Richard Jones, other Nephi Jones family members pitched in to help Richard on his farm west of Logan. He liked to do the farming the way his father and grandfather did, and my son-Justin Wm. Jones helped, as he loved all animals. In fact, his little brother-Troy Jones, spent the entire summer on the farm in Cache County feeding and living with the animals, and both were hooked on the Shire horses that Richard liked to show off pulling an old water tank in the Days of 47 rodeo. Justin Jones not only loved the horses, but had a way with dogs. They are like horses, and can often sense the mood of us humans. Although I was never a dog lover and they didn't like me, Justin was and often walked dogs for the older folks that lived near him. He had the same love for all people, including the older ones and the troubled kids, who he worked with, as the paid Counselors didn't quite have the patience that Justin did. He worked for Edwards Lifesciences for several years and worked his way up the ladder as a Planner. Edwards started to specialize in artificial heart valves and Hemodynamic Monitoring. They developed the SAPIEN Transcatheter Aortic heart valve made of Cow tissue within a balloon-expandable, cobalt Chromium frame, deployed via a Catheter going through the Femoral Artery. The Feds were skeptical, but since other countries had used it, America followed along. Justin Wm. Jones not only assisted in its operation in the United States, but in its installation in Ireland. When he showed me how they used robotic computers to keep the operation sterile, I thought of neighbor Joe Garrett, who had heart issues years ago, and went through a very painful Open Heart surgery, stripping his legs from heart to feet, and how painful it was. Dr. Russel M. Nelson was the heart surgeon, and promised Joe he would make sure he would pull him through, but had one condition, and Joe Garrett kept the promise. Joe stopped smoking. Regardless of the Whys and Wherefores, this father of Justin Wm. Jones misses his son, and will never ever get over it, but with faith and hope, I am learning to deal with it, as all of us will have to one day, when we loose a loved one! So today, I will be as near to Justin and God and fish at Justin's hidden spot.

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