Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Dean Bowles is a true "Nephi" having been born and raised in Nephi, Utah. His birthday being Dec.6, 1929 and if his brother-Earl Bowles was a good math teacher for me in the 4th grade, that would make Dean about 94 years young. He was one of the eight kids of Roy Bowles and grew up on the still standing house on the corner of 5th North and first West in Nephi, that home later became known as the home of the Howell family, who he is related to. One of his grandfathers is Jesse pay, who used to live in the house just south of where Vonda Bowles lives, the widow of teacher Jay Bowles. The father of  Roy Bowles was Thomas Bowles, who helped build Nephi in Pioneer days with his team of Oxen, which photo is in the Alice P. McCune Book of Juab County. That is a little foundational information on the Bowles side. But the main character is Dean, whose other relatives consist of the Sidwell's, Howells and Gobles. All are original Mormon Pioneer stock and have more culture and historical knowledge of the settlers than the young move in politician's who like to brag they are "original stock". Rather than Dean choosing the Army and fought in WWII, like his big brothers Jay and Earl Bowles, Dean chose an LDS Mission, and to California, where there were few Mormons. At Church Headquarters he was told to seek out good people for food and lodging, so that is what he did, and we will print that information with a later Chapter. On his mission return, he loved working on the farm of his Dad and Grandfather. Brothers Jay and Earl were short but strong like a brick, and could handle a 50 pound gunny sack of grain like it is was a loaf of bread. In the end, Dean became a Dentist, starting out in Logan, then on to California. Along the way, he found ample time to write, and he did so with the smooth writings of Dan Valentine or Mark Twain. Dean and his wife or now living in Mesa, Arizona, and he and this writer has been in several telephonic contact. He was given me permission to write some of his stories; letters to his neighbors (Lucy, Afton and Corrine Garrett) and others which I will put in future Chapters. He is a prolific writer, having published over 30 books. I love much of what he writes as he mentions names of folks from long ago that I knew well. Please enjoy this good history!

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