Wednesday, August 23, 2023


As previously indicated, we tracked down Dean Bowles, with he and his wife being in their early 90's. Dean may have poor eyesight now a days, but his mind and memory is keenly sharp. He was born and raised in Nephi on the corner of 5th North and 100 West. In his story today, he talks of the shed behind the still standing house. His folks had eight kids, and only a two bedroom home, so one bedroom was for his parents and the other for their four girls. The boys slept in the shed with gunny sacks to keep them warm. That shed is still standing, but we only took a photo of the house, and the one with the neighborhood watchman-Chad Winn, who is not only a great man, but a down to earth Christ like neighbor, who came across the street to see what trouble this good for nothin Jones boy was doing. In the one photo, he is standing in front of an old corn drill and the present owners of the home are good local people who are caring for the home with its historical beauty with grass from the lawn to the asphalt road. And remember if you sleep under the stars while the summer months are still with careful, their are Widows on the prowl......where the hell is mine?

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