Thursday, February 8, 2024


 We located this single sheet of paper which gives the program of the Reunion of the graduating Class of 1928. It was when it was Nephi High, then later changed to Juab High, to include all students from the surrounding communities in East Juab County. Although Dave Austin was the Class President, he asked my mother-LaVon Harris Jones, to put the program together, and she did. I recall visiting her when she was putting it all together, and I recall this sort of thing was normally easy for her to do in Religious; Cultural or working as the go to gal for the Juab School District for Clyde Child; Ralph Menlove and Clark Newell, she was nervous about this one, so I  helped her the best I could. Like me with the Class of 65, the Class of 28 was like a close knit family and she wanted to make sure ALL students were invited. If you look at the program, I tried to be Political correct and whited out a couple things that were okay to say and do in 1928, but may not be in this day when some folks seem to get offended by anything! I also noted another thing. James P McCune went on to be a brilliant attorney, then an excellent District Court Judge. He wrote the school song for Nephi High, then consented to change the song to be Juab High. Over the years that the song has been sung, different school classes or leaders have changed the wording of he song from "Guard" of Nebo to "Heart" of Nebo. To me and to Jim McCune as well as LaVon Harris, it seem to not make much difference, as they are somewhat mean the same. Perhaps that could be a debatable issue for the Mt. Nebo FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team to use as a practice example. So here ye all is which includes the photo of the first Nephi High, then it moved down to Main Street and changed to Juab High..

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