Thursday, February 22, 2024


For this history writer, it is difficult to explain why Mormon Pioneers had to built a Fort for Defense at Salt Creek, which named was later changed to Nephi, as the Mormon leadership of Brigham Young wanted to be more like the Book of Mormon leader of Nephi. That was the same as other cities in Mormonville. A shorten version will be attempted today, as I have studied books; researched by own family journals and notes from when they arrived here in 1852. If one is to study the history of the world, one could ascertain-even Mormons; Americans and other good cultures INVADE other countries and homelands for what they believe is "The good of all", but in my view, it could all be questionable, as the Ancient Ones used to always maintain "All Earth Belongs To God, And One Cannot Sell Gods Land". From day one the USA has used "Manifest Destiny" as their goal, much like Spaniards and Romans who Invaded the Aztec's; Incas and Mayas. Then after the Spaniards seized the gold; women and land, they called it there own. Then America started to invite all Europeans to this Continent as did France; England and other counties. When the Mormons were raped; slaughtered and dehumanized in places like New York; Missouri and Illinois, and like today's Washington D.C. back then- American leaders declared "there is nothing I can do"  even if it was Unconstitutional. Mormons then headed to desolate Utah to be at peace, as it was only occupied by the Indian's (or what I refer to as the Ancient Ones). American went to war with Mexico, who gave up their claim to the land. When the Mormons landed in Salt Lake and Nephi-then Southward, they were actually "Invading" the land the Indians occupied, so who really does know all that were really here before them, as Archeologists show their were people in West Juab County 12,000 years ago. Indians were upset as the White Man brought cattle which ate the grass and seeds the Indians used for food and shelter. Local Indian leaders began to rebel and major Skirmishes' began in 1853. At the time, their were a variety of Tribes and Bands with their Chiefs, so I refer it all as the "Indian Wars". Unlike other rural areas in Utah, Nephi had a Crossroad of roads in the middle of town, so we were hit with a lot of attacks, many of which to this "pretend" historian were justified. Brother Brigham advised local's to built a Fortification, which they did, and my great-grandfather-Edward Jones helped. Photo of one of the gates hangs at Nephi City Hall. If you see the Big Corral Block, that was "Precured" by the School Leaders to build where Nephi High was, then torn down for a bigger one on Main Street. On the southwest corner was where the Lenhart Blacksmith shop served as a social gathering for the Lenharts, Lew Jones, and Will Jones with his team of Duke and Nellie! A bigger Map hangs in the Nephi Library in a protected area and the DUP has a great re-construction of the Fort in their basement. The Nephi Lions Club has placed cornerstones where the Fort used to be. Peace came in 1855, but Indians are about gone!

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