Saturday, February 10, 2024


If you are a Mormon and know who Joseph Smith and his brother was, some of this may be old school, but if you ain't none of them thor folks, this history lesson may still be interesting. I am writing this on a Saturday, and if you read this tomorrow and in whatever Chapel you are in, and the speaker is getting boring-just glance at your Happy Phone! Joseph Smith was what is called the First Latter Day Saints Disciple of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, and that is what it is called, but I am a Heathen Nephite, and still call it the Mormon Church. Say a prayer for me, as I prefer to sin and wait for the last days to Repent....oh wait, with Politicians duking it out, perhaps I better repent tomorrow or next Sunday! I was going to tell all of the history of this Sam Smith, but when I looked it up, there is about 31,000 living descendants of  Hyrum Smith, so never mind. Knowing this Sam Smith on a personal and professional basis, I believe he told me he was the Great-Great Grandson of Joseph Fielding Smith, who was a President of the LDS Church, and he was the son of Joseph F. Smith, who was a President of the LDS Church. The President of that Church is also considered to be a modern day Prophet, Seer and Revelator from God! Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith were killed by a Riot of Anti-Mormons in Illinois in 1844, and Politicians-even back then, did nothing to stop the madmen of yesteryear! Although I may be a Heathen, I believe those men are what is so declared. I will cut this short so the Obit to this Sam Smith can be attached. I attended the funeral and felt the warmth of the multitude and the written Tribute by his son. Regardless if you are a Catholic; Baptist, Heathen or Mormon, there is a critical need for all of us to be more Christlike and not just when you may attend your Chapel of Faith. Let it be said; let it be written, or whatever Charles Heston declared.

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