Thursday, February 15, 2024


 Lithographs were a Pre-curser to the modern day Photography. Years ago, I showed this Lithograph to Kimo of Kimo Cameras, who gave information about how old this one may be. A Lithograph such as this is said to be art drawn or prepared on a piece of metal such as Aluminum or Zinc(the most popular), but the one we have appears to be more like Brass. Photographs as we know it today, were popularized during the Civil War of the 1860's, but since the original Jones Family member came to Nephi, Utah in 1852, we know it was after that time. On the back of this piece of metal, the worker scratched the Cursive name of Edward Jones, who departed England after being married to Hannah Pendlebury, and he came five years after the Mormons arrived in Utah in 1847. In addition to that name, we found a scratched in page number than appeared to be what the artist or Lithographer used to keep track of and give to the owner, who was my Great Grandfather. After Edward got his work started as a Blacksmith outside Salt Fort, he sent letters to his wife to come to Nephi. Problem was-during those days, there was a lot of Anti-Mormons in the British Isles(as their is today in Utah), and Hannah's parents hated Edward and Mormons, so they kept the letters secret, which confused Edward. (Now see info. below photo). He told his LDS Stake President, who said it had been more than five years, and advised him to marry another that was just arriving in Nephi from the 1856 Handcart folks. He found Martha Jackson, and they got hitched. Both gals are buried at VineBluff by Edward Jones, and same place as my Tombstone.

Back in England, Hannah got itching for her husband and said she was heading to "Zion", at which point her parents told her the truth, so she headed out. Arriving in Nephi in 1856, she found her husband took another wife. They were advised to get in their buggy and go meet with Brother Brigham in Salt Lake. Brigham Young knew Edward Jones, and thought they were all worthy of a Polygamy threesome, and the first wife approved, and as far as all we know, they all got along, as did all the kids and grandkids(so says my father-Alma Jones). However, with todays women, not sure they would approve of that sharing!

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