Tuesday, February 13, 2024


It used to be easy to keep track of birthdays, but not anymore, although I remember one of the two kids I have left on earth so Happy Birthday to Troy Coyn Jones of Nephi, who wanders somewhere-just like his old man used to do when younger! Troy's middle name was given after his grandfather-Alma Coyn Jones, who was often called "Cash" by folks in Juab County, America. As I got older, I think it was because Alma didn't have much Cash on him, but enough to keep five kids and a great wife to feed and clothe us, and we were happy children, although one was a Rascal, and Troy followed his Dad I'm afraid. Anyhow, Troy has always danced to his own independent way, which became noticable when we didn't give him enough water at age one when he was playing outside. He had enough courage and guts to get to the gutter where some of the irrigation water spilled over and got his drink! He is fond of animals and likes dogs; frogs; and rabbits which lived in their own fenced area with trees and bales of hay to survive during the winter. He then got into raising pheasants which he released in Nephi, but they were so tame, we waited until after the pheasant hunt to release them. He and his late brother loved to play in the two story Fort we built behind the house, and they often played there without having to purchase any gizmo machines. Here are some of the photos we kept, and I am finally going through all the papers me and my family have collected since 1852, and even some of my 3rd grade spelling tests, which make perfect fodder for starting my wood fireplace. I have kept the kid clothes so there may be a shirt from when the three of us went to Jellystone; photo of Toe heads in Pre-school, then photo of Justin; Beached Whale and Troy building the Jones Castle in California. Computer Gurus keep changing Menus and Mice for us Seniors, so good luck! 

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