Sunday, March 10, 2024


In earth years, Alma would be 121 Years old today. Pictured below should be the Nortonville log home he was born and raised in and then a second photo shows the 7th North Jones Family home he passed away in. In the Nortonville home, Alma is the taller kid standing in front of his brother-Bert Jones on the pony, and standing next to Uncle Edward Jones. The reader should also be able to see the obits of some of his friends, but I really don't recall anybody that didn't like "Cash" Jones who was called that by friends. He and his siblings were darn good people, and although his own five kids may be biased, we believe he came from a long line of good people on both sides of his parents-Wm and Liz Tolley Jones. Dad was a hard worker and taught each of his kids good work ethics as well. The other photo is of the Nortonville School which was also was used at the LDS Nortonville Church with Will Jones as the Church leader there, and kept a journal of the tithing that was brought it by the local farmers, which consisted of grain, animals and things of that sort. A few years ago, I took that Journal and other items including papers that belonged to Brigham Young when he passed through, and donated them to the LDS church as it belonged to them. I had to retell the story of how I had accumulated all the things that I had saved when a variety of family members came to the 7th North Jones home in their final years.

1 comment:

  1. I think I remember more than one person commenting that handsome Alma Jones reminded them of Randolph Scott from the movies... The Tolley Twig
