Monday, March 25, 2024


 We are not really sure if the two groups are just from Nephi or if it is Juab County gals. I do recognize my mother-LaVon Harris(Jones) in both, but in her dates of youth or at least before a string of hellions came along right after WWII, she was active in various County, Church and Civic Activities so hope some of the local folks can identify more before all of the outsider folks move in and we loose track. In the first photo, LaVon is seated on the front row to the far left. Sitting next to her is Hazel Bean (then married Bert Jones) and then dumbfounded on the others but their was a time I knew.

Then we enter the gals from what we will call the "Hat Club" and I know that local folks will recognize a lot of them. The photo appears to be in the DUP Museum. On the second row starting row from the right is Rheta Sperry; then LaVon Jones and can't see as well, but the first row I recognize Pearl Cowan; Gladys Tolley and up on the top row I see Mrs. Smith but the photo is too small for old eyes so the reader can do better than me. Have fun and make sure you fill in the names for the future.

1 comment:

  1. What fun to see these. I honestly do not think Aunt Rheta has ever looked any different all thru her life than she does in this picture. She was a wonderful, wonderful person. The Tolley Twig
