Saturday, March 9, 2024


Gale Floyd Allen has passed through the Heavenly Veil nearly 14 years ago, so I felt it was reasonably safe to shed some light on his life on earth. Other than the time he spent driving a train during World War Two, he spent most of his life earning a living as an honest to goodness Trapper in Utah and spent months as a Federal Trapper at Juab's Fish Springs. When it was spring and illegal to trap, he would hunt. Nothing seemed to scare him, and perhaps that came from driving a Train in the heart of enemy Germany, carrying armaments' to the Allied Forces. That was scary enough, but he followed orders and drove as fast as the Steam engine would go and with out and lights on. On his return to Utah, that made it easy to trap a Bear; Cougar or Bobcat. I visited him a few years ago and examined some of the Trophy Deer and Elk he shot and listed in the Boone and Crockett book. He did feel bad when he was skinning a Skunk at age 85, and to keep warm, he was using a lantern which tipped over and burned his barn down that held all of the trophies in it. Vegans and Vegetarians may find it offensive, but skunk urine contains an important chemical to make perfume with. Maybe that is why I found it gross smelling the ladies I met in Paris years ago! And once upon a time, working in law enforcement, I was asked to do some undercover work and join an animal rights group. The leader wasn't too smart, as they sent out a letter to make sure the participants were to wear Leather Gloves when they traveled to release farm Minks from their cages. I suppose they didn't realize what Leather gloves were made from. And they had so much difficulty undoing the latches, they just burned all of the mink sheds down. Yup, cops were already in place and arrested them. Mink Fur is still popular in Europe, as it is warmer if you are camping in Russia! Mink and Raccoon often kills for sport, and that is one of the reasons we no longer have pheasants and a lot of chickens around. If you study about Jim Bridger or Peter Skene Ogden as famous Trappers, now you have learned about Gale Allen as a modern day Trapper of Utah.

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