Saturday, March 9, 2024


Although I haven't watched a TV News program for over 45 news, I listen to people talk and hear of things of going on in America, and it appears that our USA Leaders are permitting illegal aliens to invade our country, causing more crimes than just the illegal entry. If that is true, equally insulting is the billions of hard earned tax dollars of hard working Americans who are paying for their entry, while our own citizens are being kicked out of their schools or homes for the illegals. Remember, the Federal Government doesn't earn money, it is the Taxpayers that are forced to fund the Feds, as they believe us common folks can't govern it. If that is in fact happening, we could put at least part of the blame on we the registered voters who permitted those leaders for placing them there. Having worked with State Legislatures and on a City Council, I have the inclination that many of those folk's at the top could have first got away with their misdeeds on a local or State level. Most of us have been an eye witness when a government employee will be involved with being a part or voice to hire their neighbor; family or even a business partner to further their income or expect to be hired by helping to get a higher paying job with the company they voted to get a contract for. It used to be referred to "I will help you if you will help me process or a 'Tit for Tat" term use in lawsuits. Even in rural areas, we hear of leaders in charge of voting who are at least being charged with mishandling the Election or Money process. Then we see where government gas cards are not just used for government vehicles but personal vehicles. The blister problem goes deeper at the higher level one is elected, even to the point of a State position; then to Congress and even those "Selected" leaders. It festers and festers til we have no idea of the Billions of dollars that go to enemy countries, or even give them the armaments' to invade and destroy us within. Remember, America is not really a Democracy! We are a Constitutional Republic! In my 46 years of being a public servant, I have personally seen the United States Constitution violated on a State level. When I first blew the whistle, I was transferred to another law enforcement agency, but when the matter was investigated, it was discovered the Governors selected leader was soon given a discharge. I love the American Constitution, and the final interpretation of that is up the United States Supreme Court, but in the back of your head, remember that even those brilliant "Legal Beagles" were appointed by a Politician. For the sake of our future kids and kin, please study each and every person you vote for to preserve our Country with its Culture and History. It is sad that so few people visit our local museum to even get a hint of those who worked and fought for freedom. On a personal basis, I believe with all my heart the USA is in DISTRESS. Please choose wisely. If you don't know who the Judge is that you vote to Retain, study and learn, even by attending a Court Hearing.

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