Friday, March 29, 2024


This photo is of classmates when they were in 5th or 6th grade. The gal on the right of the teacher is LaVon Harris who was born in 1910, and the graduating class of Nephi High of 1928, so that is why we figured the photo to be about 1920 or so. The class is standing in front of the Main entrance to the Old Central School on Track Street, below where the Ralph Chase family lived. The Second floor was where the High School was first held until they finished the new one where the Complex of Juab Building is now. The west side of the Central School was changed to become an auditorium and the Bell Tower was taken down, and that Bell sits on the northeast corner of the Town Square Park where it has been sitting for three years to be placed within the Park........when Nephi City gets A Round 2 it! And look at all the Bib overalls on the boys. They went to school the hurried home to help work the farm or help their mother get more wood for the fire in the kitchen and front room.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see this photo of mom and the other kids back in the day! The Central School and all those kids have left us, but the memories havn't. I appreciate that you keep those good memories alive, Kent!
