Friday, April 12, 2024


If one didn't know Arlene McPherson, you only needed to look at her smile and penetrating eyes to see the beauty of her heart and soul. Her cause of death was "natural causes", but I felt the real cause at her funeral today! Like her Savior, Arlene died from a Broken Heart. I had visited her a couple times since her husband passed through the Veil of soft puffy clouds, and one could feel the pure unconditional love they had for each other, and had been since they met at Rays Cafe in Nephi, Utah. Prior to Seth passing away in 2017, one could watch them both heading to the family farm in Mills, America. Seldom were they apart, and when they were together, it wasn't an obligatory sort of connection, but just friends and total love. My sister and I went to visit her a couple weeks ago, and there were a lot of cars parked there, but we knocked on the back door and were permitted to the get together of Arlene and her sisters. We could feel their strong bond, but we wanted to express what a great legacy Arlene leaves, then we departed. We could tell she was on her last go round of life on earth. She wanted to be with Seth, but didn't want to leave her loved ones. Today, we sat near the back, by my Escape Route! It was fulfilling to watch her Posterity. Arlene will know that she is leaving some pretty young girls, just like all the Stephensen girls were back in the day. To catch a chance to dance with them would be a dream come true. And Seth on high would have to giggle at the good looking little boys that came in and dressed in Cowboy Boots, just like Seth. They were real men before their time.

And one boy not only had boots on, but had a bowtie to show his high class. Arlene was and will remain a class act and hopefully we all can learn from her. I watched two of Arlene's friendly neighbors-Pat Greenwood and Mrs. Jay Woodard, who also lost their earthly companion's, and it was if I could feel their own grief. For some reason, I moved an empty chair to my right side. While  Arlene's grandchildren filled up the Choir seats and sang a favorite Primary song-Give Said The Little Stream, my eyes shed tears, as that was when I noticed on the program that one of the Pallbearers-Justin Jones, had the same name of my son I lost 6 years ago. I could feel from the other side. And no music could be better than the violin and piano duet of Monte Belknap and Allegra Garrett. Hang on, all you adorning kin of Arlene and Seth. Her away time won't be that long. Life on earth is so very brief.

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