Saturday, April 20, 2024


Since today was such a beautiful day, I thought I better tend to watering my flowers during the allotted time. As I did so, I thought the inner man deep within was going to put the dam garden hose down and walk across the street and help the many Garrett Ranch Hands gather, saddle and load the horses in the trucks to help gather cattle. I waved to the Boss-83 year old Bob Garrett, who was a friend and look alike of Cotton Rosser, then asked by one of his sons to join then. I have always enjoyed being with the Garrett herd for about 70 years, but I felt today was not my day for real work. As a kid, I helped move the Dairy cows from Joe Garretts Corral up 7th North to the still standing Milk House at Spin Mac's place. Back at the tender age of 6, I thought I was a good Cowboy Grunt to turn the cows East. I later discovered that I may not grow up to be a Dean Oliver or Larry Mahan in the Ute Stampede, as it was Joe's cow dog that turned the cows, and back in those rural years we didn't have the crazy drivers going up and down 7th North. And the smart milk cows knew their was oats already placed in the milking stalls. Watching the horses made me think of what I read in The Times News, with a big ad about the Ute Stampede. Although the Jones Boys make the Annual trip to Lost Wages to watch the Rodeo Finals, the Ute Stampede with their Rodeo Burgers is still Cream of the Crop. So get your tickets through the local folks, as you may get swindled going through the Scammers. One of the photos is the ad of The Times News, then in another photo-look right above the bucking guy's hat is a row of Jones' including Jaynette, Hal, Kent, Weston and No. One.

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