Thursday, April 18, 2024


 From left to right these are baby photos of three cousins of Nephi, Utah. They are Waldo Jones; Bert Jones and Roger Downs. The Cursive on the back may be their grandmother-Liz Tolley Jones. On the front, it as the Photographer name of Alma Chase  Nephi City.  I don't remember the exact year, but Alma Chase and Fred Chapman Sr. were partners for awhile, then Alma Chase split and it seems that he went up North somewhere to be a shutterbug there. Fred Chapman, Jr. took over his Dads business and was the only one in town, but camera shop techs would often buggy on down to Juab County and take photos. Fred Chapman Sr. used to put his big camera box on his shoulders and head up Track Street to hustle business in Sanpete. The photo I have is the original and willing to give it to one of the kin. Bert Jones is my Uncle and the only one I remember. He is gone, as is his daughter Marie; son Ted and Don too. Marie' son is buried along with Marie in the Jones plots at Vine Bluff, but Ted has a herd of kin in Nephi and Don has several as far as the South Wind spits. So whoever can holler at the Face Book Messenger will be up for consideration. My Dad-Alma was born in 1903, and was  3 or  4 years older than Bert. It appears from the original that two long sleeve women are trying  to  hold the boys up or keeping them from duking it out!

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