Monday, April 22, 2024


Yesterday we presented a true history story about the life and times of my grandfather and his Pioneer Treks to Pioche, Nevada taking food and supplies to the fast arriving Gold Rush folks. As Utah and parts of Nevada and California were still a part of the Utah Territory, Brigham Young was the Governor and didn't like the love of money or Gold, but felt obligated to assist the Mormon settlements with their daily needs including supplies for miners, many of which were just thirsty for love of money. As I had traveled and studied the areas of which Will Jones traveled with his Freight hauling of a hundred years ago; as well as going to the same places in England when he was on a mission, we decided as a family to travel to the same places and get an idea of what he may have gone through. We have previously spent time on two Archeological Digs at Mountain Meadow Massacre and the Bear River Massacre and did so when both areas were privately owed and had permission. Good thing we did it when we did as the Bear River areas has now been acquired by the Indian Tribe to honor the Indians we killed there and same thing at Mountain Meadow when we as Mormons massacred the Ancient ones there. It is now owed by the LDS Church and No Trespassing permitted. But that is okay, we retrieved a lot of evidence and knowledge. So you should find the Itinerary we put together and this writer leading a band of Jones Renegades of five or six car loads of people to the same Territory that William Jones traveled and he had to deal with men killings each other over money, mines and midnight maidens. Have fun if you travel there. It  is a quiet old town with many retired cops and Harley riders that live there and they keep the peace extremely well.

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