Monday, April 29, 2024


 No, we don't have the name of the dog pictured, but I call all dogs-dogs, same with horses and kids. We do know that one of the guys is Alma Jones, as we found the photo with some of this papers, and we recall that he told us he got the job when living in the home in Nortonville. Some of the original Highway 91 is still there for you to see. It is North of the Mat Howard Compound north of Nephi. Turn on the road heading to Mona and pretend you are going to turn left down Meadow Lane toward the Jacksons. On the left as you get off the Asphalt, there is a short section of the cement road that was Highway 91 years ago. The cement was laid by using Mules and Alma became known as a Mule Skinner driving the Mules. We are not sure of the exact year, but since Alma was born in 1903 and cars came popular in the 1920s, we assume it was after that. Once he showed us where the crew stayed when they poured the cement between Santaquin to Nephi. Years later, they covered most of Highway 91 with Asphalt, but as for as we know, this is the last of the original cement road. It is a narrow road, but given the time it was laid, Utah didn't have a lot of vehicles then, and drivers were not driving like a Bat Out Of Hell back then. At the South end of that cement section you will find some yellow lines to give warning the driver was coming to a crest and not allowed to pass another top speed driver of 30 Miles per hour. The man on the front row on the far right looks like Alma and family members remember that years later that black lunch box hung in the family garage where artifacts from years ago hung. It had the initial's of AJ on it. We then thought the guy on the back row to the left looked like Alma, and his Dad may have brought back one of those British Cap from his Mission in England. We thought the smiling guy on his right looked a lot like Almas older brother-Dell Jones who fought in France during World War One. He was always smiling, but built like a brick with big shoulders, and was known to have go to work potatoes in Idaho and could carry sacks of potatoes on each shoulder.

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