Monday, February 26, 2018
Welcome to Mormonville, USA and the farewell program for these two LDS young men.
In downtown Mormonville, young men and women are often called to serve two or more years proselyting the religion of the LDS church of which they are members. When these two youngins of Nephi, Utah were called, it was considered an enormous privilege and they did serve their God honorably. In case you missed the program, here they are as well as photos of where they grew up. The first photo is where Steve Ockey was raised and it remains a sturdy structure. When Steve had spare time he would help his dad up Nephi Canyon on the Ockey farm in what us oldies call Heberville, where Steve's grandfather(Heber Ockey) helped run a school. The second no-home house is where Kent Jarrett grew up. The home is no longer there, but the two story grainery is. It was great being friends with the Jarrett family as they were some of the first people to get a new device in their home....called a "television". These two Nephites preached in the countries they traveled, but lets see which smarties out there can figure the country for which this LDS pamphlet is written.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
In case you missed it, LuOna Talbot Prisbrey passed away in Nephi, Utah.
Although the Prisbrey family resided in their Nephi home for the past 58 years, we called it the "Beck" home because of a previous family that lived there. As her neighbor, I referred to her as Mrs. Prisbrey, out of respect for her and fear of her husband-Clark, who was strong as an ox and a hard working man. Once when he was operating a wheat combine southwest of Nephi, it broke down, but only temporarily, as he was an expert mechanic and got it working again. As a youngster I thought Mrs. Prisbrey was mainly devoted to music, but at the funeral, it was quite clear her family was number one, then spent her spare time playing the piano, organ and accordion at programs, church meetings and funerals, all at no charge. LuOna, thanks for your musical contributions and your gentle kindness to all.

Saturday, February 24, 2018
Here is your invitation to the Golden Wedding party for Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Bailey of 1911.
Sometimes, we just plain forget invitations. It is unclear if anybody in the Jones family attended this Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1911, but I pretended I was there. My first question is how in the world did two people stay together since they married in 1861. Perhaps it was pure love, or just not easy to jump in the car or on a train; boat or plane and head back to the British Isles! I would ask that question, but I would also inquire about what knowledge Langley A. Bailey, Sr. had of the Salt Creek Massacre of June 4, 1858! He was close by and the Alice P. McCune book of 1947 tells us a band of Indians massacred Mormon Pioneers on their way up Nephi Canyon. What the history book doesn't tell us, is of the massacre that happened the next day outside the Fort in Nephi, Utah when somebody brutally massacred several adult and child Indians that came down for their daily free food. As a kid, we played "Cowboys and Indians" in the area of the Old Hollow and heard rumors about a deadly secret of a century before, but nobody knew for sure until a home builder discovered the human bones carnage. Police investigated the murder scene along with Assistant State Archaeologist Ronald Rood. The only media that reported it was Myrna Trauntvein in the local paper of The Times News. It is still a touchy subject, but then a lot of deeds and misdeeds of history are. Original monument photos are from the book "History of Juab County".
This is your life-Bill and Desma Stowell of Nephi, Utah
Before my memory is completely gone, we will jot down a few notes about one of my cousins-Desma Jones and her husband Bill Stowell, and what I recall of them, along with the photo of the Nephi home they raised their kids in. Desma was born in 1908, at the Jones farm house located two blocks west of the railroad tracks on Fifth North, where a Garrett cousin has now built their home. She is the daughter of Joseph and Maude Jones. Desma was active in the LDS church, being a teacher and secretary of the Primary and M.I.A; Relief Society and Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. She worked part time at what was called the Nephi Garment Center. Her hobbies were painting, crocheting and helping the family vegetable and flower garden which covered the area between their home and the Old Hollow. Bill was born in 1895 at Colonia Juarez, Mexico, which was a Mormon hideout, when the United States government came to lock up LDS people involved in polygamy. Bill was born on a cattle ranch, and worked it until the Mexican Revolution, which forced the Mormons to leave their homes and all possessions. Bill had seven full siblings and 13 half siblings. They relocated to Texas then to Provo, Utah. While in Mexico, Bill learned how to run fast as it was unclear who the real desperados were. He took advantage of his foot speed at BYU and excelled as a long distant runner. While not in college, he worked for the U.S. Government in surveying, spending time in the mines of Park City and West Juab County. While in the big boom down of Eureka, he was smitten by a visiting gal from Nephi-Desma Jones. They got hitched in Ely, Nevada, then later solemnized in the Manti LDS Temple. Their first abode was in Ruth, Nevada, then the Great Depression hit, which caused them to come to Nephi, which was their real home anyway. Their kids are Faye who died while giving birth to a child; then Betty Rae; Roger, Steven, Marilyn, then bringing up the rear is Richard Stowell. Bill passed away in 1982; Desma in 1993. I recall Bill as a devoted family man; bug and weed sprayer and seller of coal. He could & would do any work to provide for his kids. He was also a Scout Master and head man of the Utah Suffolk Sheep Show, which was a big deal in those days. My hat goes off to Bill, a hard working man and to my cousin-Desma, who came from good stock, but also a devoted mother; wife and caregiver for those in need.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Today is Presidents Day, 2018. If you lived in 1918, who would you vote as the four best Presidents!
Well, it is not 1918, but often times history gives us enough time to disregard the "fake" news that gets slammed in our face. A hundred years ago, most Americans chose George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, just as the sculptor did in the Granite rocks of the Dakota Territory. Each one of those American hero's had people who doubted them at the time they were President, but through time, we have learned they were great men, and if you have a little insight, they each had a supportive family to make them as such. One President lost a child and saw countless bloodshed around him but able to see us through the war that killed more Americans than any other. Another one had somewhat of a tie with Juab County, Utah, as Mat Howard fought along side him in the Spanish American War. Thomas Jefferson helped write the constitutional safeguards that protects even those citizens who fight our own protective system of government. We chose this computer photo, as America- just like each of our Presidents, may have dark clouds overhead, but we will weather the storm. And yes, some Presidents have secrets that need not go public. But doesn't it make you wonder....what is in the Secret Room behind Abe Lincoln's forehead. Yes, there is one and no, this isn't from a Hollywood movie, it is real, containing the historical secrets of America.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Nephi is the friendly city at the crossroads of Utah-and today we took photographic evidence!
About the only television I watch nowadays is re-runs of the Andy Griffith show. In case you don't recall one episode, I will ease you back in time. It was Founders Day in Mayberry, and City Officials met at the local barber shop to figure out how to demonstrate what a friendly city Mayberry was. They stopped the first traveler coming in town and presented him with the "Key to the City". That traveler proceeded to steal watch's and jewelry from residents. Opie's father caught on to the masquerade and locked the bad guy up. That story is the foundation for todays true life adventure. Earlier today while traveling to Burraston's pond, I noticed a man pushing his bicycle and attached cart southwards on Old Highway 91. After catching my two fish limit, I returned to Nephi, once again seeing the traveler. I cleaned the fish, and returned to the northern portion of town and waited for the transient. I extended my hand and welcomed him to Nephi, The Friendly City. If he agreed to let me interview him in front of the Dollar General store, then I would buy enough provisions to continue his journey from Kansas City to Farmington, New Mexico. I went to Krowe's barber shop, and presented my story to the standing room only occupants and recited the episode of Andy Griffith. We concluded the only key I should present to this traveler was my extra handcuff key. My interview with "Ken" turned to an interrogation, but he didn't seem to pick up on that and told me his life's story. His journey to the Three Rivers area of Farmington, New Mexico has been going on for two years and encountered a variety of thugs along the way. He did express a genuine goodness of people in rural area's, most of which have been law enforcement officers, including those he encountered crossing the Juab County line. He admitted doing almost half of his 45 years of life doing hard time for various and sundry crimes. Now, he avoids the crime culture of the big cities, and when confronted by malcontents, he "just walks away". At the conclusion of the interview, a lady loaded her vehicle with goods, then went back in the store and purchased and gave our traveler much needed provisions. I asked her why she didn't give me anything, as I was dressed more poorly than he, and she replied "Because he is better looking". Sounds like a logical response. I then offered Ken some money, but he would only take half, with the suggestion I purchase new bibs for myself. Point well taken! Later tonight, I will check the area where he is scheduled to camp and will take my .357 with me, but like Barney, I won't load it, just carry one round in my shirt pocket. God speed to Ken, the mobile hobo, from Jonsey, the local hobo!
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Dancing Party is all set for March 15th, but just not sure what year!
If you ever spent any time living in Nephi, Utah the past hundred years, you just may recognize some of the names on this LDS South Ward Amusement Hall dance invitation. We just don't know what year it occurred, but somebody resourceful enough may inform us so we can give the Dancing Party invitation to somebody that wants it. As few of us in the Jones family were good dancers, the owner is probably one of our parents or grandparents, as they didn't write down any of the partners they did the dances with.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
'Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies", so says Aristotle!
Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher who came up with good stuff, even though he lived and taught more than two thousand years ago. But what about those who don't have that better half for one reason or another! Well, in my case, I have always liked my cousins so I thought on this Valentines Day I would go visit some of them, but I guess I got a little lost in time. Apparently Roger Stowell no longer lives in the house on North Main, nor does Corrine Garrett or even Cheryl Williams down the street. So I got in my mothers Falcon Station wagon and headed to Mona to visit cousin Dona Kay. She wasn't there, so drove back to Nephi in search of other cousins. I parked the car and walked and when I returned Trooper Norm Anderson left me a ticket for parking on the wrong side of the rode. I did find some cousins who I love dearly and tried to express that in my action on this Valentines Day. We show our love for others, and do so without reason or's just pure love. So as I sit by the fire tonight, I will write a letter to my mother like I did in 1956, and once again tell her how much I love her. This time, I hope I can spell my hometown correctly. First set of photos shows Dona Kay of 1941; Roger Stowell of Mrs. Gadd's class and Cheryl Williams(Peterson). Last photo is of LaVon and Alma Jones on their wedding day during World War Two.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Today we share the life and times of Rex Tolley of Juab County, Utah, USA.
Rex Tolley was the son of Charles Wm. Tolley, who was the son of Wm. Fisher Tolley-who was a 1850's Mormon pioneer helping to settle Sanpete and Juab County under the direction of Brigham Young. As it was legal and religiously proper in those days, Wm. Tolley had a few wives, with his first wife and kids living in the Tolley home north of the Old Hollow on Main in Nephi, and the second wife and kids in the log cabin noted below. Wm. Tolley had a wagon load of kids living in Nortonville; then his son Charles had more than a dozen kids that were born there, including Rex. Fifty years ago, I chatted with Rex Tolley about the "good ole days" in that Nortonville log cabin, and he declared he would rather have the modern day conveniences such as an outhouse in the house; electricity; piped water in the house, and not having to share a straw and roped bed with three brothers. Although it wasn't mentioned in the obit, Rex also painted homes for a living, but it was more of a pleasurable passion rather than work. During the 1960's, me and cousin Sherm Jones had the opportunity of working with Rex, who was also a cousin; boss, and great friend. He cherished his family and friends and did so unconditionally. His daughter Susan lives in the Nephi Tolley home, making it one of the oldest abodes still in the same family. Thanks for your life on earth Rex Tolley and treating your employees with respectful integrity.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
There is gold in them thor hills....well at least there may have been in 1890!
We will provide the map of where to find the gold, silver and other precious metals, but not sure who owns the land nowadays, so the explorer would have to seek the owner's permission. It may even be in the area owned by the National Forest, so you may have to get an Act of Congress to pan for gold there, but with gold prices at $1,333.00 an oz. you may help get the United States out of debt. The "Bill Jones Lode Mining Claim" has beautiful cursive writing, but also important names of the Utah Territory, including J.W. Paxman, who was not only an LDS Stake President and Patriarch, but came in to a slew of money to purchase dry land acres on the Levan Ridge and help start Levan's "Wheat Day" celebration. Local folks liked the Paxman family so much they put up the still standing and tallest tombstone in the Southeast portion of the Vine Bluff Cemetery in Nephi, Utah. The Juab County Recorder was J.R. Hickman, another famous name of Mormon history. Big Birch Creek is east of Nortonville, the canyon to the left, while Little Birch is to the right, where Juab County used to get their gravel for roads. We will donate this "Notice of Location" to the Juab Daughters of Utah Pioneers on behave of the Jones family.
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