Saturday, February 24, 2018

Here is your invitation to the Golden Wedding party for Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Bailey of 1911.

Sometimes, we just plain forget invitations. It is unclear if anybody in the Jones family attended this Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1911, but I pretended I was there. My first question is how in the world did two people stay together since they married in 1861. Perhaps it was pure love, or just not easy to jump in the car or on a train; boat or plane and head back to the British Isles! I would ask that question, but I would also inquire about what knowledge Langley A. Bailey, Sr. had of the Salt Creek Massacre of June 4, 1858! He was close by and the Alice P. McCune book of 1947 tells us a band of Indians massacred Mormon Pioneers on their way up Nephi Canyon. What the history book doesn't tell us, is of the massacre that happened the next day outside the Fort in Nephi, Utah when somebody brutally massacred several adult and child Indians that came down for their daily free food. As a kid, we played "Cowboys and Indians" in the area of the Old Hollow and heard rumors about a deadly secret of a century before, but nobody knew for sure until a home builder discovered the human bones carnage. Police investigated the murder scene along with Assistant State Archaeologist Ronald Rood. The only media that reported it was Myrna Trauntvein in the local paper of The Times News. It is still a touchy subject, but then a lot of deeds and misdeeds of history are. Original monument photos are from the book "History of Juab County".

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