Sunday, February 25, 2018

In case you missed it, LuOna Talbot Prisbrey passed away in Nephi, Utah.

Although the Prisbrey family resided in their Nephi home for the past 58 years, we called it the "Beck" home because of a previous family that lived there. As her neighbor, I referred to her as Mrs. Prisbrey, out of respect for her and fear of her husband-Clark, who was strong as an ox and a hard working man. Once when he was operating a wheat combine southwest of Nephi, it broke down, but only temporarily, as he was an expert mechanic and got it working again. As a youngster I thought Mrs. Prisbrey was mainly devoted to music, but at the funeral, it was quite clear her family was number one, then spent her spare time playing the piano, organ and accordion at programs, church meetings and funerals, all at no charge. LuOna, thanks for your musical contributions and your gentle kindness to all.

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