Monday, February 19, 2018

Today is Presidents Day, 2018. If you lived in 1918, who would you vote as the four best Presidents!

Well, it is not 1918, but often times history gives us enough time to disregard the "fake" news that gets slammed in our face. A hundred years ago, most Americans chose George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, just as the sculptor did in the Granite rocks of the Dakota Territory. Each one of those American hero's had people who doubted them at the time they were President, but through time, we have learned they were great men, and if you have a little insight, they each had a supportive family to make them as such. One President lost a child and saw countless bloodshed around him but able to see us through the war that killed more Americans than any other. Another one had somewhat of a tie with Juab County, Utah, as Mat Howard fought along side him in the Spanish American War. Thomas Jefferson helped write the constitutional safeguards that protects even those citizens who fight our own protective system of government. We chose this computer photo, as America- just like each of our Presidents, may have dark clouds overhead, but we will weather the storm. And yes, some Presidents have secrets that need not go public. But doesn't it make you wonder....what is in the Secret Room behind Abe Lincoln's forehead. Yes, there is one and no, this isn't from a Hollywood movie, it is real, containing the historical secrets of America.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! Cool info about Matt Howard!
    Love the picture.
    Keep up the good work!
