Saturday, February 17, 2018

Nephi is the friendly city at the crossroads of Utah-and today we took photographic evidence!

About the only television I watch nowadays is re-runs of the Andy Griffith show. In case you don't recall one episode, I will ease you back in time. It was Founders Day in Mayberry, and City Officials met at the local barber shop to figure out how to demonstrate what a friendly city Mayberry was. They stopped the first traveler coming in town and presented him with the "Key to the City". That traveler proceeded to steal watch's and jewelry from residents. Opie's father caught on to the masquerade and locked the bad guy up. That story is the foundation for todays true life adventure. Earlier today while traveling to Burraston's pond, I noticed a man pushing his bicycle and attached cart southwards on Old Highway 91. After catching my two fish limit, I returned to Nephi, once again seeing the traveler. I cleaned the fish, and returned to the northern portion of town and waited for the transient. I extended my hand and welcomed him to Nephi, The Friendly City. If he agreed to let me interview him in front of the Dollar General store, then I would buy enough provisions to continue his journey from Kansas City to Farmington, New Mexico. I went to Krowe's barber shop, and presented my story to the standing room only occupants and recited the episode of Andy Griffith. We concluded the only key I should present to this traveler was my extra handcuff key. My interview with "Ken" turned to an interrogation, but he didn't seem to pick up on that and told me his life's story. His journey to the Three Rivers area of Farmington, New Mexico has been going on for two years and encountered a variety of thugs along the way. He did express a genuine goodness of people in rural area's, most of which have been law enforcement officers, including those he encountered crossing the Juab County line. He admitted doing almost half of his 45 years of life doing hard time for various and sundry crimes. Now, he avoids the crime culture of the big cities, and when confronted by malcontents, he "just walks away". At the conclusion of the interview, a lady loaded her vehicle with goods, then went back in the store and purchased and gave our traveler much needed provisions. I asked her why she didn't give me anything, as I was dressed more poorly than he, and she replied "Because he is better looking". Sounds like a logical response. I then offered Ken some money, but he would only take half, with the suggestion I purchase new bibs for myself. Point well taken! Later tonight, I will check the area where he is scheduled to camp and will take my .357 with me, but like Barney, I won't load it, just carry one round in my shirt pocket. God speed to Ken, the mobile hobo, from Jonsey, the local hobo!

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