Monday, February 26, 2018

Welcome to Mormonville, USA and the farewell program for these two LDS young men.

In downtown Mormonville, young men and women are often called to serve two or more years proselyting the religion of the LDS church of which they are members. When these two youngins of Nephi, Utah were called, it was considered an enormous privilege and they did serve their God honorably. In case you missed the program, here they are as well as photos of where they grew up. The first photo is where Steve Ockey was raised and it remains a sturdy structure. When Steve had spare time he would help his dad up Nephi Canyon on the Ockey farm in what us oldies call Heberville, where Steve's grandfather(Heber Ockey) helped run a school. The second no-home house is where Kent Jarrett grew up. The home is no longer there, but the two story grainery is. It was great being friends with the Jarrett family as they were some of the first people to get a new device in their home....called a "television". These two Nephites preached in the countries they traveled, but lets see which smarties out there can figure the country for which this LDS pamphlet is written.

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