Sunday, December 22, 2019

Corrine Garrett wanted to be Home for Christmas. She has been granted her Wish.

Corrine Garrett spent 88 earthly years with us. Although she endured worldly type challenges, funeral speaker Jeff Sanders said "it did not define her as she chose to be happy". Present day youngins and new medical students have no idea what Polio was when many people, including President Roosevelt were hit with the crippling disease. Corrine accepted it and never complained about the gimp in her gallop. A special bike was built so one shorten leg could reach the peddles, and she was not going to be any different than brothers Joe and Ross. She snuck off to ride a horse, just like any kid would do in Nephi. She was BAD(Bound And Determined). Late in life, she was introduced to Dementia, but in the last three years, there was times when she continued to have that twinkle in her eye, and her mother's DNA would come out when she stared you straight in the eye; put her forefinger up towards you. Dementia or not, you knew she was giving you a nonverbal warning to watch your "P's and Q"s"! During her funeral, I felt the presence of heavenly hosts which filled the church. I cried, then felt gratitude for those who had the once in a lifetime opportunity to know Corrine Garrett, one who will be crowned with spiritual glory back Home. During her weekend earth experience, she was the proud caretaker of her mother, who eventually became bedridden, and the Garrett home was a gathering place for all on Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Ute Stampede. Friends who know the Garrett family are in fact Family. Caregivers are special people who love without reason. As a kid, Corrine attended dances, and if none of the local kids could figure out how to dance with her, two of her Uncles showed up as proud partners, lifting her up for the Juab County two step and pretend her father was the caller at the square dances at the North Ward. Rob & Erma guarded her like a pit-bull but Corrine had the feistiness of her mother and chose to go to work as that is the Garrett standard. At the funeral, not only family attended, but former Nephi City officials, who were there out of respect for Corrine, a former Nephi City Recorder. After the funeral, I ensured the proper covering of her earthly remains. They are in good company, next to two sisters; parents, great grandparents and an apple toss away from her favorite Uncles and grandparents, who were the ones that ensured a Silver Maple was planted there in 1891. Those people were special to Corrine, as she was born in their home, which still stands at the corner of 7th North and Main. Congratulations Corrine, You Have Your Christmas Wish And Your Wings. Stand Up And Be Crowned.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

"Gangs" were organized in Nephi, Utah during the 1850's and still here.

In today's media world, we hear about the bad gangs. But today, we chose to focus on the good gangs we still have in Rural, America where people help people. Years ago, a gang could be a set of similar tools to operate devices. As a kid in the 1950's, television was a new viewing device and a gang of neighbor kids would toon in to a show called "Our Gang" which were a bunch of "Rascals" with names like "Alfalfa" and "Spanky". All for one and one for all is how we played Cowboys and Indians in the Ole Holler. I joined a gang called the "Boy Scouts of America", and we were dedicated to doing good to all mankind. A century ago, my mother and her pal gals referred to themselves as "The Gang" and their deeds were always honorable. When the Mormons trekked West to Utah in 1847, they were a gang until themselves and for self preservation. In the 1850's, along came the Tolley and Jones families which we highlight today, especially the Matriarch to the Tolley Family. She is Sarah Warren Tolley(born in 1825), the first wife of Wm. Fisher Tolley. Mr. Tolley was sought for help by Brigham Young, but little does history know it was Sarah who called the shots, and it was her who gave permission or directed her husband to take on three additional wives; informed him when he could assist Brother Brigham and when to stay home. He followed her directives. When you had dealings with Sarah's daughters, you better have good intentions. If you were going to pull the wool over one of Sarah's sons, you better expect a fist fight that will last beyond your mortal existence. They could out work and out play anybody across Juab County. It was only natural the locals chose Ross Tolley to be the town marshal of Nephi. First set of photos is of Sarah; then her and family member-Ed Gleason going for photo shots. Second set of photos show "The Tolley Girls" of Elizabeth, Susan, Jane, Emma and Maria. Then "The Tolley Boys" in the front row being Lee, Charles and Ross; back row being Claude, Unknown, Elmer and Rex. For fun, we threw in the third line of the Kendall dual(Maude); Jane Tolley Jones; Ed Jones; Lizzie Tolley Jones and her hand holder-Wm. Jones. Bringing up the bottom is Sam Jones, Will Jones, Ed Jones, Joe Jones, Louise Jones Broadhead, Maude Jones Kendall, Ellen Jones and we think the other is another Elizabeth Jones. Don't gang up on me if I am in error. Blame it on Sarah! Her photo kept following off my desk, and we have already submitted the original to the DUP Museum in Nephi. So there! If you don't like it, go find a Tolley girl or boy and do a fist-a-cuff with them. I told you so! Oh yeah, did not. Did too!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Nephi City Christmas Light celebration is over and no frost bites at 15 degrees!

The first photo is The Times News ad showing the various events at last nights Christmas Light celebration at the Nephi City Park. The second photo is of the "Snow Maze To Nowhere". At the time it was made, we had no idea where it was leading or why. We later found out, as hundreds starting to line up for the Hayride, being pulled by two different wagons lead by beautiful and majestic monster horses. Welcome to Nephi, where horses still rein! Little kiddies jumped on board a smaller train wagon that pulled around the blocks. This was a first time event for Nephi as in years gone by, main street was shut down and parade entries were lighted up and went down to the City park. As there were no entries this year, a switch was made and it seemed to work with singing and dancing. Nevertheless I was somewhat disappointed as I acted the part, but went home with no ribbon for the worst Grinch this side of Nortonville. Oh well, there is always next year. Bah Humbug


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Twas the night before Thankssgiving......and all through the house....

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house
Foods were being stirred by women wearing a blouse
The guys fight for their favorite chair
Get close for their favorite football cheer
Although all Americans-we are not the same
Boring it would be if we all had the same name
We often forget to give the proper thanks
Eat and drink too much and turn to a crank
Shock the Spouse and help cook and wash
Then listen to a little Bach. Don't be a Clod
Reflect on all that God has given us
To help us help others.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Musical "NEWSIES" is perfectly performed in Nephi, Utah.

I am not always a fan of musicals, but me, my sister and son went to a local one at Juab High School last night, and we were all entertained by a great production involving a perfectly choreographed 35 plus high school kids singing, jumping, fist a cuffs and tap dancing in unison. When I thought back at the time my brother and I was in Juab's school plays of South Pacific and Oklahoma during the 1960's, I thought how these young kids and their Directors have came a long way. I am not an expert in such things, but have been to Stratford Upon Avon, England to watch King Lear; Man of La Mancha at several theaters; Phantom of the Opera in various places including Salt Lake and San Francisco; Lincoln Center; Hale productions and to Paris, France. Although I only have room temperature IQ these days, it is my opinion-these kids have the potential for Broadway, and at a cost of 20 quarters, Juab Auditorium is not far away from wherever you may be and three more productions remain. In Ruralville, Utah, you will find that kids; their families and Juab County folks love to meet with the actors after the show even if you don't know them. Don't miss a chance to see this, but put on your long johns, as this is Utah and Frosty will greet you on exit.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nadine Blackett was laid to rest yesterday and a happy lady she is.

It is awkward to write that Nadine had a "good" funeral yesterday, but it was. It was done in a manner she loved. I received that impression when each family member participated, and the convincer was the klippity klop of the plug horse drawn carriage bringing her earthly remains next to her husband; her parents; grandparents & great grandparents. Several heavenly family members surround her and stand guard as sentinels while she dances with Evan and her brothers sing in that happy place beyond mortal existence. I wasn't going to write a blog, as all who knew Nadine loved her. After we got the photo of the carriage and her grandmothers funeral photo fell in front of my desk, I was impressed to write. Her brother Doug didn't like farm work, so he went to Salt Lake and found mucho monies in a successful doughnut business and I would often stop and get my "family discount". Her sister LaPriel was a special friend. Nadine decided she wanted to find a good man like her dad-Len, who knew how to work hard and loved the farm, so she married Evan. Her two other brothers-Ron and Harold remained in Nephi. Nadine was the silent leader of a local club we shall call "Juab Train Hitters Association". Nadine was a hard working; family matriarch and devoted woman. If you hear her whisper to you, she may say; Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on the ripened grain of Nortonville. I am the gentle rain on the alfalfa of the Blackett farms. When you awake in the morning dew, I am the swift wind lifting the birds in flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I am with God and all those loved ones on the other side, but ever so close as your guardian angel. If by chance you wish to remember me, do not cry, but do it with a kind deed or words to someone who needs it. If you do that, I will live forever and whisper good thoughts to you-always.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nov. 11th has a two fold reason to pause and reflect for the Nephi Jones family.

On each Nov.11th, it is customary for me to travel to a cemetery to honor those veterans who served in one battle or another. Although only a small percent is on the front lines, all participants are logistically important, even those at home who read and send letters of support. Today is the day I chose to honor Veterans and LaVon Jones, who passed away 25 years ago today. As I go through the letters she kept, my tears fall on my desk. Not only did she give comfort to various Veterans who fought in World War One; Korea; World War Two, but to each of her three sons who were called to be in the Viet Nam War. At the time, I didn't feel the pain she did, but now I do, especially when I reflect that many Americans(including Hollywood and famous people) spit on our veterans when they came home. Perhaps that is why I later traveled and interviewed Nazi soldiers in Germany; felt the ashes of those innocent lives that were killed and burned by a world bully; lived in Viet Nam not only on a humanitarian mission, but to search for remains of a lost platoon. And one of our research teams did find the remains of Marine Harold Reid, who came up missing on Sept. 13, 1967. Many thought he got scared and went AWOL on the bridge over Thu Bon River in Quang Nam Province. I interviewed his mother who cried for 33 years. She was later informed her son was a hero, who fought to take down the enemy, and locals buried Harold when he was killed or the locals would themselves be killed. Today, in reading many of the military letters to and from Uncles, my father and my 3 Veteran brothers, I can't help but cry, so will remain home. I recently learned that a returned Iraq Veteran stormed his mothers home during the middle of the night. He was having a nightmare of the past, carrying his weapon from room to room looking for his enemy of the past. When any decent human has to take the life of others, their training kicks in, but often, their "shell shock" doesn't come out for years later. Today, I visit no graves but in my own personal way, I honor all veterans(especially the silent and unknown ones) who did their duty, and to my mother, who in her own supportive way, honored them.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

If your Nephi family has been here since the 1850's, you just may be related.

If you didn't get the wedding invitation in 1897, I am willing to share the original photo of the one sent out for the June 6, 1897 marriage of Martha "Maud" Jones and George Bertran Kendall. The first photo is the marriage photo while the second one shows: Sam Jones; Will Jones; Ed Jones; Joe Jones then bottom row of Louisa Jones Broadhead; Maud Jones Kendall; Ellen Jones Jackson and Elizabeth Jones Cazier.  The last photo was taken in the early 1930's which show Ellen & Nephi Samuel Jackson; Jane Tolley Jones & Edward Jones; then Sarah Tolley Jones and Will Jones. Yes-two brothers married two sisters. The last document shows the who is who stuff.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

"Big Boy" rolls in to Nephi this morning-the worlds biggest Steam Locomotive.

We are expecting a lot of students and visitors today, so you may want to bring an easy chair and make your self comfortable. You will not only see the worlds largest Steam Locomotive, but pulling several sleeper and dinning cars of decades ago, which you may never see again. Sometimes bad news is good news, and good news is great news. The other night I had a chance to check out the inside of the 1950's cars being pulled by "Big Boy" and tried to be a bar tender on the trains drinking car and failed miserably, but able to sleep it off in one of their sleeper cars, so at 10:30 this morning, Nephi will be ready to greet those who stop by to see the last of the Big Boys. We won't be able to go inside any of the boxcars on today's occasion but it will be a thrill just to see the vintage box cars roll back in town. Welcome the train with a wave of an American flag as trains did bind America from the East to the West 150 years ago at Promontory Point. In the old days Trains coming through Juab County had to stop in York(by Doc Steele's ranch); Mona, Nephi and the town of Juab(Moss Ranch) for water. Come celebrate our history today. It's at no cost and no regrets offer!

Monday, August 26, 2019

What comes around goes around in Nephi, Utah

Pictured below are eight of the ten children born to Edward Jones(born in 1831) of North Wales. After hearing of the LDS Church, he married Hannah Pendlebury, whose parents hated the church. As per agreement, Edward came to Zion and directed by Brigham Young to settle in Nephi, Utah in 1852, which was called Salt Creek. He became a Farmer and Blacksmith, then as agreed, sent letters for his wife to come to Nephi, but he never heard a word. He sought the advice of local church leaders, who told him to take another wife, and he wed Martha Jackson, who arrived in Nephi in 1856 as part of the Martin Handcart Company. The first wife finally told her parents she was heading to America, and they confessed they had been lying to her, that Edward had been writing to her, and hid the letters she was sending to him. The first wife arrived in Nephi, and lo and behold, Ed had "accidently" married 2 women. The three took a wagon ride to visit Brigham Young, who didn't sweat it, and on March 11, 1858, he sealed Edward Jones to Martha Jackson in the LDS President's office. They all lived happily ever after and both wives had several kids each. Pictured below are the kids that lived to adulthood with Edward and Martha Jackson Jones. Their home was on 300 North and about 600 West, and the trunk of the long standing tree is nearby. What is interesting, is the new home nearby was built by Wade Garrett, who just happens to be the great, great, great, grandson of Edward Jones. The original photo is from about 1885, and it took over a half century for me to get all the right names, thus faded. Brothers Will and Ed married sisters-Jane and Lizzie Tolley, but don't fret it, no test on who is who will be given. We will all remember them, once we get to the other side, and you won't be so dim witted as this writer has become!

Friday, August 23, 2019

This is another series of photos in and around Nephi, Utah.

A beautiful stream of clean, crisp water runs through the middle of Nephi, which we call Salt Creek. We took some photos of serene homes that are built near by and older homes that are keenly kept klean. Then we have the old gym of Juab High where the greats of 1959 and 1960 became the State Basketball Champs and where other kids learned to roller skate. Although not an engineer, I once again toured the gym and bounced a ball, and it seems to me that perhaps, just perhaps, it can still be used, as it seems structurally strong. It was built during the Great Depression, and that was a time they made things to stand a hundred years. Other photos show one of my flower entries in the Juab County Fair; a request not to idle your diesel trucks; the Territorial Jail that held Butch Cassidy; a Norway water plant in the rocks; perhaps the biggest mushroom in the world; a Nephi Park that is hidden with these kids wanting to keep the secret to themselves; the home that fed and reared magic milk hands and a view of Majestic Mt. Nebo before the new water tank is built for future generations. Although we wish our area to remain rural, we be friendly and encourage all to slow down to prevent the catastrophic car crash collisions.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ron Jones-he was a 98 year old genuine American made cowboy!

Today was the funeral of Ron Jones from Rural, America. Although he lived in Nephi for the past 90 years, Ron-like this writer, always considered to be from Nortonville, which was where the Jones family had their homes and farms in the 1800's. The first photo show's upper Nortonville at the base of Mt. Nebo, where Ron used to get gravel for his work with Juab County. The lower photo is West Nortonville, and the grove of trees remain where he was born. As a kid he and Harold walked up to Uncle Will's to get sugar cane. He was born with horses around him, and his worldly remains were brought to the cemetery with a great team of horses. The funeral program tells of his great life and friendship to all who came his way. If he didn't know folks, he would greet them; become friends and treated everyone as equals. People from all walks of life loved him back. He knew the Juab west desert, which was his personal Garden of Eden. On one occasion, as the photo depicts-he made it a point to introduce a Chicago family to Vienna sausages, and for Ron, nothing finer could be eaten than those; grease saturated eggs; Spam; Bananas, and a Pepsi to swig it all down with, then cashews for dessert. A year ago, his photo was taken with two other genuine cowboys, and the promise was made that photo would be displayed at his funeral. The promise was kept, showing Ron Jones, John Larsen and Bob Garrett. Long Live Cowboys!

Friday, July 12, 2019

"During Ute Stampede, Local Marshall Told To Leave Nephi!" Shocking & Bogus!

The first night of the Ute Stampede went pretty dang great, with bucking animals showing they are tough, even though some of the cowboys are the best in the world. Tickets still available for round two tonight. There was a minor incident, but no lasting damages, and I think the "Wanna Be Fake Marshall" will get over it, but it "Depends". Although some historians don't like to talk about all history, the Utah Territorial Jail in Nephi remains a historical structure. It was built in 1892 and as strong as ever. It was then modified to be the Juab County Jail when Utah became a state, and held such men as Butch Cassidy. Although it is seldom open to the public, the DUP and Juab County Travel Council found a local yokel and asked him to play the part of the Marshall to give tourists a chance to view it. People poured in for free soda, water; thirty year old baseball cards and old rodeo tickets. The first Marshall photo shows the old man as the gate keeper, at least until Constable Ross Tolley "spoiled" the act, when he said it is a violation of the law to pretend you are a Marshall, when you ain't one. Needless to say, it was embarrassing, but I give Ross credit for not giving me any special privileges, even though I was his favorite grand nephew. Second photo shows the Marshall walking away in his "Levi's of Tears". Some of the jail visitors listed their desperado names.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Mona Marauders locked up prior to 85th Ute Stampede!

Being locked up in Juab County is a heck of a lot better than Dodge City, but the pictured hooligans(Mona Third Ward Scouts) had to be taught a history lesson before they were got too carried away. They were given a taste of what Butch Cassidy went through when he was locked up at the Utah Territorial Jail in Nephi, Utah. It is still a usable attraction and we plan to release the pictured Mona Marauders at high noon tomorrow, then open the jail to visitors in town for the Ute Stampede.The Daughters of Utah Pioneers are inviting you to stop by at Center and Main between 1300 hours and 1800 hours to see this seldom opened attraction. You will be asked to list your alias; your alleged hometown and your crime. We will close so you have enough time to go west young man and rope in the most classic rodeo in America.