Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Although we didn't show all the tools I have used through the years, we took a groupie photo of some of the medical items that were given me to overcome some of the physical issues I have incurred through the years. A close scrutiny will show three different canes on a walker that have been in use by the Jones family, both Alma Jones and then Kent Jones. Alma had a blotched hip replacement that made his leg two inches shorter than the other, so he was in pain and required to used a cane to get around, but still fed his horse. That was long before they improved the procedure, as I used the same cane when I had my hip replacement a year ago in August and it went well. A sock slipper on device was used to put socks on with both hip and three knee surgeries including a knee replacement. I am grateful to even have my left leg, as the first incident was where another college student turned in front of me while I was riding a motorcycle and after hitting the turning car. I went head over heels through the air and they brought me back to life while laying on the asphalt road. That caused a broken back; broken jaw; ruptured insides and found my left leg laying next to my face. Medical folks wanted to amputate the leg as it was too far gone, but a brand new orthopedic surgeon wanted to try a new thing he had learned in school. I gave him the go ahead and Robert Metcalf Sr. saved my leg and we were friends until he passed away. Later on I had to have a complete knee replacement, and that was okay, until I received MERCER while in a Salt Lake area hospital. Needless to say, it was a fight for my life and if it wasn't for a sister and a niece to help give me special shots through out the day and night, I wouldn't have made it.  As I( and others) had broke my nose three times, an Ear, Throat and Nose "specialist" said he could correct my nose so I could breath better, but actually more interested in selling me some expensive ear devices. That became in issue as I had blown the anchor out the nose and nearly bleed to death. My son Justin saved my life in rushing me to ER as internal body functions started to shut down including the bladder. Again I was referred to a good Urologist and low and behold, he taught me how to self insert a 14 inch Catheter, telling me that it was only a temporary thing, relating to the blotched nose surgery. He was right, but always keep a Catheter handy, just in case. Some of the other implements include an eye patch, when I was shot in the face with a shotgun and lost vision in my right eye; three Rotator Cuff operations (and you thought we only had two shoulders)! One was playing golf too hard and the other two were the result of pulling irrigation hoses on the farm. The most recent incident was falling on my driveway a couple months ago, causing three subdural hematomas(blood on the brain) which has slowed me down. Although many politicians and medical folks would disagree, there is some indication the third hematoma turned into a blood clot, only because I had a shot that was supposed to prevent me from getting the China Virus, but some believe it actually gave me the COVID -19, and haven't quite had the energy and stamina I used to. Perhaps there is some truth to that but only time will tell or I am listening to old TV which is loaded with ads to tell of the many things that we may have if we have used anything that we have done or ate in the past as there are "Billions await us". A nd no I never did tried any of  those tobaccos enema's they used to use years ago. I also had a subdural hematoma forty years ago, only relieved by a burr hole in the front right portion of  the head; and a variety of other injuries, so there are some good times when I can blame all my malfunctions on the ten or so times I have cheated death. Some medical folks did save my life and then others have tried their best to push my death, and on one occasion I had to call 911 from my cell phone to get somebody to help when I fell out of a hospital bed and another time, when the same people mistakenly gave me the discharge papers of the wrong guy! HIPPA didn't like that, but that Salt Lake Valley Hospital still functions! Additionally, there is a container of pain pills that I haven't used, as I found out that with the brain injury, it only gave me more of a headache. Although politicians like to tell you to take no pain medications, my guess is many of them have not yet experienced real pain or what a family may go through with bone cancer. I have dealt with thousands of Substance Abusers, and in my opinion, that is not the main issue. The main problem is Depression, and they turn to the drugs and alcohol to relief  that ache, but too much money is made by calling it a drug or alcohol problem, and politicians and the media jump on the band wagon...but that is just a professional opinion. The positive thing is that I can blame any of my actions on Brain Damage....."honey was I supposed to flush the toilet before or after I use the toilet" but found that I can't be use that all the time. It is good to have family and friends that help, however.

Monday, August 30, 2021


Although many good clubs, assocations and organizations change or nullify themselves, many were great and some remain.That includes the Boy Scouts of America, Womens Service Clubs; and the FFA of which we write of today. As a part of the national laws, things change to include both male and females in the clubs and orgianations. I assume that is why they changed the National Convention program that declared "A Future Farmer Is Always a Gentleman". It wasnt long ago that this writer- as a man, was not allowed in the Parent-Teacher Assocation (PTA), only because I was a man. My two sons were in Elementery school, and I wanted to be a part of their school. After inquiry, the local folks said I was denied, who said it was in their by-laws, and upheld by the Utah President, then the National Association as well. There were other places I could help especially in Little League, as they wanted any gender to help the kids. Another program way back when was the FFA which was for males only, and the gals had their FHA, but most of the names have changed because of diversity throughout. Today, we present a photo of the FFA or Future Farmers of America, the way it was, at least in 1964, and those pictured are winners in awards. In that orgianzation, we also won the state Parlamentary Procedure Contest, but eventhough we were a rural community who loved farming, it may not be what it used to be, as we find that even Congress Members have never taken a class of Roberts Rules of Order as many would be declared "Out of Order" and removed by the Sentinel. We present to you a touch of history and a bit of humor. Photo and awards from left to right show Roger Stowell-Livestock Judging; John Morgan-Star; Norman Jarrett-Crop Management; Richard Daley-Farm Mechanics; Clark Kay-Soil Mangement and Kent Jones-Public Speaking. We then have the program for the 1964 National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, which was a long train ride with Kent Jones and Ed Newton, exploring a new country and people and a chance to holler at Harry S. Truman with him yelling back at us. We saw him as a real human being but a great president.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


The calender shows today is Sunday-a day when many people go to the Church of their choice, which we can trace back to a Constitutional safeguard. Although I was raised as a Mormon, and remain a beleiver, I havn't been attending for about 30 years, although I have sailed on the Waters of Mormon and found physical proof of the Lamanites. I like to battle the Word of Wisdom, and feel more confortable with my coffee and will wait until I am 80 to repent, as by then, I will forget where my standards and my socks are. However- today, I feel impressed to share a little "church" story that coincidents with the precious "freedom" we presently have in America-not  because of politicans, but in spite of them! One photo photo shows me when I was a kid in 1959. The other is of my son Justin, who was about the same age when he loved playing baseball. During that era, I was teaching sons-Justin and Troy the importance of prayer, faith and the Priesthood (a power within the LDS faith)! Eariler, I found that both can be intertwined together. I found a Mormon program that showed both Kent and Justin had spoke in church about the power of the Priesthood. Prior to that occasion, I found an envelope that contained 5 peices of baby teeth in the mouth of Justin Jones, and  convinced him he could pull them himself and find Freedom in that. With reluctance and yet with Faith in his father, he did. I think the real convincer was not his father, but the 5 bucks he got for the 5 peices. We will plant the teeth bits on his grave to help grieveing his loss. Sometimes, we need a little extra motivation to make things as they are. Proof is in the pudding. Do It To Learn It.


Saturday, August 28, 2021


Before the 1963 blue ink fades from our copy of the Juab High Speech Class members and a Skit, we thought we should bring it out in light and share it with you. Some of those folks are still with us or think we are and some have gone through the Veil to bring forth a better performance than we did in Nephi, Utah. Behold!

Friday, August 27, 2021


Change is probably the most diffuclt thing to get used to during our short span on Earth. A variety of change includes but not limited to First and Last Kiss; Engagement; Marriage; Divorce; Births; Death; High School Graduation; changing residence or a new job. Regardless, even a Honeymoon or a Family Vacation is stressful.Many of us return from a vacation only to be glad we are home, so we can de-stress! Along that line, this writer has diffculty with the news media, and as such havn't watched one for over 45 years. Years ago while going about doing my job, I repeatedly saw or read the news, of which I was a part of, and come to find out the news was wrong or misleading. I was there and knew the facts, or at least as I saw and reported them. After living in various places in the British Isle's including Sark, Alderney, Jersey, Ireland, England and Jersey, I later recognized the newspapers in America may have followed the tabloid mentality of Great Britan, which contain an amount of truth, but often twisted to the liking of the publisher. Perhaps, nowadays, a tabloid writer may call England a part of the "Un-United Kingdom". Hence, I don't read any papers other than "Serve Daily" and "The Times News". Those give me all the news I need or want. But even our local paper of The Times News struck me a little different this week. I have great respect for the whole Gibson family and reporters, but the front page was different from the 1966 edition of 55 years ago. Yes, times have changed including the people and the crimes of today as compared to years ago and The Times News has "reported" the news as they should be doing. It is just a little heart breaking to read of this rural area and the crimes that are alleged to have occurred. When the older edition fell in front of me, I saw photos of good people we just don't read enough enough about, including Classmate Bert Paxman; musician Mike Paxman;  my little (but tall) brother-Gary B. Jones. Later tonight, my hot date will be to re-read the 1966 entire The Times News and sleep with a smile. Change WILL happen, we just have to learn how to manage ourselves while other folks change us! Hopefully, both eras of The Times News will show up below, and pay respect to the skillful reporters back then and with us today. People around Utah and America should subscribe to both of these papers. It is all you need to know, but don't trust me. Discover it yourself! 

Thursday, August 26, 2021


Nephi was and remains the friendly city at the crossroads of the west, and Juab is still the Key County of Utah. We want to advertise that, and yet we don't want folks to move here and destroy us! The attached pamphets are old, but so are the families that have been here since 1851. Some locals think we may not be as friendly as we used to be, as some of our move in's refuse to understand or appreicate our history and culture, eventhough they have been here for years! The vision of Nephi is to be rural, and many hope we don't become like the overpopulated rural towns of the big cities that politicians; realtors and money muckers are shoving down our throat, or so it has been told to me. In the 1950's and 60's we could walk and hike almost anywhere; ride bikes and horses, but it ain't quite what it used to be and reluctanly convinced retired folks not to move here because of noise issues. It is no longer quiet and peaceful, but invite good business' and people, rather than the cream of the crude and the gang mentality of high density cities.Tourist and visitors complain we need higher class motels and more American food resturants, although some business people want more illegal aleins to work for them, rather than to hire locals. Some leaders agree, but the fight continues with lawmakers, who are said to be more in getting rid of water for farmers and build people on people and be like one city slicker who told me they could roll down their bathroom window and shake hands with his neighor(using left hands only). We have therefore, threw in some suggestions. 

1.Visit the DUP musem which contains three floors of history and Butch Cassidys bunk next door.

2. Bring kids to the ballparks where hundreds gather for tournaments, but take your trash out with you.

3. Safely drive from Payson to Nephi on the Loop Road and take in a game of golf.

4. Tour Juab's West Desert and find joy in Joy. Newbies will learn to enjoy the serenity of sagebrush.

5. Study the old pamphets and discover and maintain walking paths; rodeos; plays and fine arts.

6. Turn off the TV News and discover things yourself, without talking gizmos. Volunteer to help.

7. Register to Vote and throw out selfish politicans that want to bastardize our rual area.

8. Help stop Nephi being a hub for drug dealers by supporting law enforcement.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Hal "Doc" Jones of Nephi, America was a medic with the upfront soldiers of the 9th Infantry during Viet Nam where he both killed the enemy and saved lives. Of the thousands of Americans fighting for what we thought was freedom, Doc Jones took the place of another Nephite-Blair Wilkey, who was just killed in action. Doc Jones training to protect kicks in without broadcast and I watched him save himself after getting caught bouncing downstream in the A.F. canyon floods of years ago. While fishing one day, he heard a biker go down and able to rush to get him off the road before "speed hellions" were about to run him over. Yesterday, this Doc Jones thought it was a good mental and physical challenge for me, his little brother, to take him fishing up American Fork Canyon, mainly because it was an "off day" for kids and hellions on wheels. For seveal years we have watched cars; trucks and ATV's race up and down the otherwise beautiful canyon to "get away from the crazies". Little do folks know.....they are the crazy ones! Years ago, a limousine type vehicle stopped and Erza Taft Benson got out and told a nearby fisherman "he wanted to view one of Gods best canyons" for the last time. It wasn't long before he passed. For a guy who fell two months ago and received massive head injuries, I had complete faith in this "Doc Jones" and my law enforcement background kicked in when I stopped on the main road to keep the young hellions behind me from killing the Bighorn Sheep in the middle of the road. They were either young ewes or young rams and the photos show one of the young ones yesterday and what a big one looks like when the Fish and Game get ready to transport them to another location. Blinders and watering them down are to reduce shock. At one fishing location, we found a Wet Doe, which was attempting to get to her fawn. Once again, we took action to slow the "Road Rage" drivers who was about to run over the doe. If they would slow down, the hunter could then get the big Buck pictured. Doc Jones caught his limit of fish and we took them to the widow of Scott Sparks, as the Jones Boys like to Catch, Kill and Give Away. Fish; deer and other creatures of Gods beauties are disappearing, and hunters and fisherman help-not hurt. The bad killers are because of mis-mangement; people going too fast; habitat destruction and other misconceptions of "do-gooders"who pretend to care. While there is still time, view American Fork Canyon before people wipe out all of its natural beauty with Rocky Moutain Sheep go back 750,000 years.Beasts and the Beauties can co-survive. Remember.......Speed kills, not the hunters.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Although many of us locals would like NOT to have more people live here-as it hurts our air quality and drains our acquifiers from Mt. Nebo. We do invite those who want to fish and frolic in this public water, managed by Utah's Fish and Game(my term). Although no motorized water crafts are allowed, us oldies learned how to swim there; lined up in the 1950's on opening of fish days and even swung from the ropes from trees. It is still open for all legitimate taxpayers to enjoy. Although historians like to battle over who first lived  here, we do know that Ancient Indians may have been the first; then invaded by seekers of gold, then privatedly owned by the Burraston family of the Goshen area, who donated it to the State of Utah when our Territory became a State. After interviewing Mrs. Gee, the grandaughter of Mr. Burraston and viewing the contract from a local Game Warden, that appears to be accurate. The other day, I noticed the spring is dried up and in my 70 plus years of fishing there, that is only the second time since 1776 it is drying up the ponds. Some beleive it is our drought; others believe it is because local home builders are demanding culinary water over farm crops and then others point their finger at one farmer who sucked all of the water out with his first deep well when it used to be green and fertile. Nevertheless, Burraston Ponds is there for all Americans to enjoy, but this fisherman would like all to follow the rules. Absolutely no local garbage in the dumpsters; no booze or drugs; no overnight camping and a limit of two trout per licensed person. Hoodlums of the past and present have abused it. Although the Fish and Garme folks have planted thousands of good size Rainbow Trout this summer, this old geezer couldn't catch any the other day. I did catch some Blue Gill, but threw all back accept one, which had swallowed the hook. There is a State wide limit of 50 of those little guys, as they eat the natural food of the Trout. The local Fish Cop is often in plain clothes and Sheriff Deputies, so follow the rules. Information shows that a former law enforcment officer was paid to search and arrest a man for murder, as he was able to find evidence of the dasterdly deed, going through his garrbage once it was placed on a public street. Be mindful that now a days, as they may have trail cameras, so don't push your luck and don't get shot over a simple rule to protect what belongs to all American taxpayers, 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


This Joe was not a Stand Out Guy, but a Stand Up Man Of Men. Like this writer, he was born and raised in rural Nephi, America, but I didn't get to know him personally until November, 1994. I only knew him as a professional funeral director, and was for 54 years. He worked with Miles and Mike of Anderson/Goff Funeral home and became the son-in-law to Miles and co-worker. I came to know the Real Joe when my mother was diagnosed with a cancer and given 90 days to live. With spit and determination-LaVon Jones lived 91 days. She and I had worked out a "secret deal" where only the two of us knew she wrote her own obituary and over the years, hid quart bottles for each of her kids, which contained coins, cash and notes containing things such as "Remember when". Only her five kids her allowed to be in the bedroom after our mother passed. When Joe came to pick up the deceased mother, I politely told Joe that we needed to have a "celebration party" while our mother was still there. I led siblings to their cache. Joe was very much a professional Seminary Teacher for 32 years; a devoted father; husband and man, but devoted member of the LDS church. I then saw the personal "Brother Joe" who directed me to have the Hospice Nurse "clean her up" and having to deal with dead people, I knew what Joe was talking about. He said spend as much time as you need and let me know, as he would be waiting in the Undertaker Car. We were having so much fun with our deceased mother, we forgot about Joe, and after our personal "Wake" I went to tell Joe it was his time. It was then, I learned to love and appreicate this man of men and continued to do so when he was hit with a fatal cancer about four years ago and we had a long talk of life on earth and the hereafter life. He never made the papers; TV; war hero or sports guy, but built like a brick; took care of his well groomed hair; his old truck, farm and family. This real man found a real prize when he married Jolene, who was the perfect woman for Joe. He was loved my many, including a grease monkey who attended the funeral. This guy took care of his hair in an Elvis Presley manner with a wood handled brush in his back right pocket for grooming that only Joe would understand. He had to be a close friend to Joe, who made friends with all, at hundreds of funerals and taught doctrine to thousands of students. Joe, you are the Hero that all men should strive to become. Jolene knew it and loved you to the end of this earth and will in the next. Way to go Joe!

Friday, August 13, 2021


It is difficult to write of neighbor Scott Sparks. Much could be said, but will make it brief. This writer became acquainted with him as he was a great friend to my brother-Hal Jones. Scotty liked Hal so much that he and his wife chose "Hal" as the name of their son, thus we refer to Hal Sr. and Hal Jr. Scott did well as a Scouter in Nephi Troop 132; gas pumper for Fub Hebler at Utoco(later named Amoco, then Texaco) and Fub taught him to fish with a "Mepps" spinner and Hal Sr. caught a fish with it the day before Scott passed through the Veil. The family approved the spinner being placed on his burial suit lapel. Scott retired as a Trooper after 20 years, largely due to MS, which we will call the Angel of Death, but it took 40 years to take the breath out of him. Scott never complained about MS, but like a Trooper, he "just made adustiments to it". He then voluntered to be an American Fork Fire Fighter for forty years and they honored him at the funeral, and the Utah Highway Patrol sent 8 Honor Guards led by a Colonel to honor Scott. He played Little League in Nephi; he and his brother were outstanding marble players, collecting more than 500 of em. If you learned the Scout Motto, in the life of Scotty, he followed a smiliar motto. He loved his devoted wife-Dee Anna, of Moroni, and their two kids-Kym and Hal Jr. If you looked at the face of Scotty over the years, his warm smile remained constant-radiant. His father was the local "Candy-Man", deliveirng candy throughout Utah. When he returned from his delivery, he hired the Jones kids to restock and were paid in trade-with Candy. That included little sister Jaynette, as Ann Sparks and her help. Scott's home provided the necessary ingredients for "Kick the Can" and not a nickel was spent on our games....way back when. Ann didnt attend the funeral because of her own health conditions, One photo shows the forever friends of Scott including Leon Pexton; Mike Royce, Hal Jones and Carl Parkin, who us locals always called "Chopper". If you got a ticket or a warning from Trooper Sparks, he always departed with "Careful Driving". Scott, we will all miss you, but you are with your Dad and Mom and can hippety hop any dam place you want. Congratulations and we put an extra "Mepps" spinner on your coffin, just in case you have your own fish kingdom. God welcomes you back.