Monday, August 30, 2021


Although many good clubs, assocations and organizations change or nullify themselves, many were great and some remain.That includes the Boy Scouts of America, Womens Service Clubs; and the FFA of which we write of today. As a part of the national laws, things change to include both male and females in the clubs and orgianations. I assume that is why they changed the National Convention program that declared "A Future Farmer Is Always a Gentleman". It wasnt long ago that this writer- as a man, was not allowed in the Parent-Teacher Assocation (PTA), only because I was a man. My two sons were in Elementery school, and I wanted to be a part of their school. After inquiry, the local folks said I was denied, who said it was in their by-laws, and upheld by the Utah President, then the National Association as well. There were other places I could help especially in Little League, as they wanted any gender to help the kids. Another program way back when was the FFA which was for males only, and the gals had their FHA, but most of the names have changed because of diversity throughout. Today, we present a photo of the FFA or Future Farmers of America, the way it was, at least in 1964, and those pictured are winners in awards. In that orgianzation, we also won the state Parlamentary Procedure Contest, but eventhough we were a rural community who loved farming, it may not be what it used to be, as we find that even Congress Members have never taken a class of Roberts Rules of Order as many would be declared "Out of Order" and removed by the Sentinel. We present to you a touch of history and a bit of humor. Photo and awards from left to right show Roger Stowell-Livestock Judging; John Morgan-Star; Norman Jarrett-Crop Management; Richard Daley-Farm Mechanics; Clark Kay-Soil Mangement and Kent Jones-Public Speaking. We then have the program for the 1964 National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, which was a long train ride with Kent Jones and Ed Newton, exploring a new country and people and a chance to holler at Harry S. Truman with him yelling back at us. We saw him as a real human being but a great president.

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