Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Hal "Doc" Jones of Nephi, America was a medic with the upfront soldiers of the 9th Infantry during Viet Nam where he both killed the enemy and saved lives. Of the thousands of Americans fighting for what we thought was freedom, Doc Jones took the place of another Nephite-Blair Wilkey, who was just killed in action. Doc Jones training to protect kicks in without broadcast and I watched him save himself after getting caught bouncing downstream in the A.F. canyon floods of years ago. While fishing one day, he heard a biker go down and able to rush to get him off the road before "speed hellions" were about to run him over. Yesterday, this Doc Jones thought it was a good mental and physical challenge for me, his little brother, to take him fishing up American Fork Canyon, mainly because it was an "off day" for kids and hellions on wheels. For seveal years we have watched cars; trucks and ATV's race up and down the otherwise beautiful canyon to "get away from the crazies". Little do folks know.....they are the crazy ones! Years ago, a limousine type vehicle stopped and Erza Taft Benson got out and told a nearby fisherman "he wanted to view one of Gods best canyons" for the last time. It wasn't long before he passed. For a guy who fell two months ago and received massive head injuries, I had complete faith in this "Doc Jones" and my law enforcement background kicked in when I stopped on the main road to keep the young hellions behind me from killing the Bighorn Sheep in the middle of the road. They were either young ewes or young rams and the photos show one of the young ones yesterday and what a big one looks like when the Fish and Game get ready to transport them to another location. Blinders and watering them down are to reduce shock. At one fishing location, we found a Wet Doe, which was attempting to get to her fawn. Once again, we took action to slow the "Road Rage" drivers who was about to run over the doe. If they would slow down, the hunter could then get the big Buck pictured. Doc Jones caught his limit of fish and we took them to the widow of Scott Sparks, as the Jones Boys like to Catch, Kill and Give Away. Fish; deer and other creatures of Gods beauties are disappearing, and hunters and fisherman help-not hurt. The bad killers are because of mis-mangement; people going too fast; habitat destruction and other misconceptions of "do-gooders"who pretend to care. While there is still time, view American Fork Canyon before people wipe out all of its natural beauty with Rocky Moutain Sheep go back 750,000 years.Beasts and the Beauties can co-survive. Remember.......Speed kills, not the hunters.

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