Tuesday, August 17, 2021


This Joe was not a Stand Out Guy, but a Stand Up Man Of Men. Like this writer, he was born and raised in rural Nephi, America, but I didn't get to know him personally until November, 1994. I only knew him as a professional funeral director, and was for 54 years. He worked with Miles and Mike of Anderson/Goff Funeral home and became the son-in-law to Miles and co-worker. I came to know the Real Joe when my mother was diagnosed with a cancer and given 90 days to live. With spit and determination-LaVon Jones lived 91 days. She and I had worked out a "secret deal" where only the two of us knew she wrote her own obituary and over the years, hid quart bottles for each of her kids, which contained coins, cash and notes containing things such as "Remember when". Only her five kids her allowed to be in the bedroom after our mother passed. When Joe came to pick up the deceased mother, I politely told Joe that we needed to have a "celebration party" while our mother was still there. I led siblings to their cache. Joe was very much a professional Seminary Teacher for 32 years; a devoted father; husband and man, but devoted member of the LDS church. I then saw the personal "Brother Joe" who directed me to have the Hospice Nurse "clean her up" and having to deal with dead people, I knew what Joe was talking about. He said spend as much time as you need and let me know, as he would be waiting in the Undertaker Car. We were having so much fun with our deceased mother, we forgot about Joe, and after our personal "Wake" I went to tell Joe it was his time. It was then, I learned to love and appreicate this man of men and continued to do so when he was hit with a fatal cancer about four years ago and we had a long talk of life on earth and the hereafter life. He never made the papers; TV; war hero or sports guy, but built like a brick; took care of his well groomed hair; his old truck, farm and family. This real man found a real prize when he married Jolene, who was the perfect woman for Joe. He was loved my many, including a grease monkey who attended the funeral. This guy took care of his hair in an Elvis Presley manner with a wood handled brush in his back right pocket for grooming that only Joe would understand. He had to be a close friend to Joe, who made friends with all, at hundreds of funerals and taught doctrine to thousands of students. Joe, you are the Hero that all men should strive to become. Jolene knew it and loved you to the end of this earth and will in the next. Way to go Joe!

1 comment:

  1. I call him Bishop Joe. I served with him as Relief Society President. He was truly a humble servant of our Heavenly Father. I knew his serious moments and his light moments. He said to tell Russell to cut his hair then, I will call him to serve a mission. I told Russell. He cut his hair. Bishop made the call. I had many teaching moments with Bishop. Bishop and Jolene are dear to my heart. Colleen Bender
