Sunday, August 29, 2021


The calender shows today is Sunday-a day when many people go to the Church of their choice, which we can trace back to a Constitutional safeguard. Although I was raised as a Mormon, and remain a beleiver, I havn't been attending for about 30 years, although I have sailed on the Waters of Mormon and found physical proof of the Lamanites. I like to battle the Word of Wisdom, and feel more confortable with my coffee and will wait until I am 80 to repent, as by then, I will forget where my standards and my socks are. However- today, I feel impressed to share a little "church" story that coincidents with the precious "freedom" we presently have in America-not  because of politicans, but in spite of them! One photo photo shows me when I was a kid in 1959. The other is of my son Justin, who was about the same age when he loved playing baseball. During that era, I was teaching sons-Justin and Troy the importance of prayer, faith and the Priesthood (a power within the LDS faith)! Eariler, I found that both can be intertwined together. I found a Mormon program that showed both Kent and Justin had spoke in church about the power of the Priesthood. Prior to that occasion, I found an envelope that contained 5 peices of baby teeth in the mouth of Justin Jones, and  convinced him he could pull them himself and find Freedom in that. With reluctance and yet with Faith in his father, he did. I think the real convincer was not his father, but the 5 bucks he got for the 5 peices. We will plant the teeth bits on his grave to help grieveing his loss. Sometimes, we need a little extra motivation to make things as they are. Proof is in the pudding. Do It To Learn It.


1 comment:

  1. Time to come back...we need you! You need us! Make your parents and your Heavenly parents happy!
