Sunday, March 13, 2022


Today is Sunday or the Sabbath for many Christians, so thought it may be appropriate to tell a true story that happened to me. During my life it seems that for one reason or another, my life has been spared on numerous occasions. I don't recall doing anything extraordinary good or evil to deserve that, but quite certain that I have a host of Guardian Angels. Other times, it could just be plain luck. Generally speaking, my blogs are on history, and as such, I go through a variety of boxes that contain things that me or my family have collected since our family arrival in Nephi during the 1850's. Todays story touches a little on thoughts I wrote down during one of my medical recoveries. Over the years, I watch people more than anything. Body language often tells the truth more than their words. I have found that people, places and things may not be as they first appear. During medical recovery, I have a tendency to let things in life slow down, including paying bills; getting out of bed and eating correctly. I even drive slower, but not as slow as Bish Belliston years ago when us locals mistakenly called him "Hazard". In this particular recovery, I had been operated on for a rotator cuff injury. When I was able to drive again, I did so with ease as one arm remained in a sling. I ventured up beautiful American Fork Canyon when it was less traveled by years ago. I was coming down and noticed a yellow VW bug coming up behind me speeding. Although I slowed down and moved to the right so he would pass when it was clear, he chose not to, but got even closer to to me in a dangerous manner. He seemed to become even more enraged like many folks on Utah's notorious I-15 or what I call the urchins' of the Pac-Man generation. Although it was in a dangerous area, he made the decision to pass me quickly, then cut me off and I backed off, slowing down. I only had one arm, so I chose to be a good Christian and let him cool down. Besides I didn't have my badge and gun with me and wouldn't have been good at a one hand fist-a-cuff. He slowed down as if he wanted to duke it out. That is when he put up his right hand and produced one vertical middle finger upwards towards me. I couldn't do the same, but kept my one hand on the wheel. While he kicked his VW in high gear and sped off, I did remember his license plate, but more significantly, was the bright bumper sticker which read "Honk If You Love Jesus". Well, I was attempted to honk back, but that would have have been like being blind walking in to fight a bull. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. His gestures just didn't fit one that was truly Christ like. There are many occasions when people are not what they declare. In nearly 50 years of working with politicians and being one myself, I have often viewed similar body language of those folks. Although many start with good intentions, their behavior seems to dissolve while Jesus didn't.

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