Wednesday, March 23, 2022


The answer to the question is "Darn Tootin". Today's lesson is not found in a history book, but comes from real life events. We will briefly explain the importance of hiring a person who is not only educated in an established college, but one who has experience on the streets of life. To be more specific, this is the Life and Times of Iris Hemenway, originally from a bad city in a beautiful state surrounded by  water. She was left to raise three little girls on her own. And she did extremely well, working hard and heavily involved with PTA and local affairs. But eventually, enough was enough. She seen enough violence on the streets of life to say "Good ridden's to bad rubbish" . Iris packed her kids and enough clothes and headed west. She landed in the Utah city of Salt, which was a heck of a lot better than the city of sin, where muggings and killings were a daily event. Iris was born with vim, vigor and vitality, so she and  her 3 girls bedded town for a night or two and she picked up a paper to find a job. She went to her interview at the Utah State Prison. Dave Franchina hired her, who became the Warden during the days when there was only 600 people at the Point of the Mountain and 20 or so female inmates. Then  Iris found herself guarding some of the most dangerous men around. She stood about 5 foot nothing, but commanded respect and all gave it to her. She stayed put in Utah and worked through various components of the Criminal Justice System as did I and knew of her truthful and outspoken manner. Then came the day when havoc rained from hell, and inmates were walking out the gates and doors like the Terrace Ballroom used to be. Corrections people were fired and things changed. Next thing was I heard they hired two outsiders to come and and put a stop to what the prison folks were doing. Well, it came down to me as one of three members of a task force to curb the non caring manner of who was let out of prison. Another outsider was Iris Hemenway and a insider who represented the prison, who just wanted to release everybody to save money. I like to play it square and fair, and Iris and I found out we were allies and wouldn't put up with some of the shenanigan's some unnamed prison folks wanted to do. We became instant professional friends and became personal friends later on. I was appointed to a position in the criminal justice system and a part of my job was to appoint a new Judge to rule over prison inmates early, on what was called Drug Court. I hired Iris to come back to work as a Judge at about 75 years old who was a volunteer at the VA Hospital. She run her professional life like her personal life, which was a heart of gold. Fair and Square and nobody could not fib to her. She retired once again, and at age 80 and me 60, we became personal friends. We decided to take piano lessons and invited her adopted granddaughter-Lily to do the same. Once a week, we would practice while the dogs growled and grumbled and Lily had to listen to our swearing when we missed a note. Lily's mother adopted her from China as an infant, a place I had previously resided. We then threw out our first duet concert. Our audience didn't like our playing until they sipped our wine. Iris died later as did Dave Franchina, and his wife. Lily later called me and asked if I would be her adopted grandfather and I accepted and we have been friends ever since. Her family loaned me the piano that belonged to Iris, and I agreed, but only on a temporary basis, as I haven't played since Iris died in a brutal fight with a cancer and her last words was to accept a cancer and not the treatment. Although I was a man, her real man love was for General George Patton, and I assume she and Patton are marching to Heavenly victory as their Troops would go to battle for either one, even to their own death. Long Live Iris and Lily, who graduated from college in Law Enforcement and working in an undisclosed location. Smart and Stunning Lily could have any man in the world, but listened to me and Iris when we told her a dog was better than a man and the first photo is of her and her mutt. Second photo is of me and Lily; third is of me; Iris and Dave Franchina and fourth is of me and Iris hootin it up at a Governors Ball, before one of the four Governors no longer wanted me to attend, even though I continued to be their Constituent Affairs Officer. Yup, I like my women young and with aged refinement!

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