Friday, March 11, 2022


Just in case you are a member of the LDS church and plan on going to church, you may want to know this answer for that trivial pursuit game, even if they don't play that game anymore. Always good to know. The thousands of papers and artifacts our family has gathered are all mixed together, so even I am amazed if these historical blogs are going to show Hell, Fire and Damnation or the the day when a TV/Radio guy cared the dickens out of us about the end of the world was at hand, and people were jumping from tall buildings before they would be killed. Anywho, the first page will show the "Church Statistical Report for 1961" and then we will show you a photo of LDS Stake and Bishop Leaders from overseas. In going through the paper I thought I knew about most towns in Utah, but had to do research on changes in the Stake of Uvada, Utah. I then knew my grandfather who know more than I as he was a mule skinner in the area of Iron County, heading a mule team of food and supplies when parts of Nevada was still in the Utah Territory. If you want to take a can of Spam and spend the day, head to Cedar City, then the road west towards Panaca and Pioche, where they hung more folks than the whole Dakota Territory put together. The ghost town is situated between Sheep Springs and a little southwest of Devils Gap. If you get to Horseshoe, you have gone too far, so get the Hell out of there. Now eat your Spam and head back to where Iron came from in cowboy days of long ago.,

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