Thursday, June 30, 2016

Alma Jones of Nephi, Utah passed away 32 years ago today.

Alma Coyn Jones of Nephi, Utah, USA passed away 32 years ago today. In tribute to him, I thought it was fitting to go through the contents of another one of his "cigar boxes". In the old west, cowboys carried their good stuff in leather sachets placed in saddle bags. When cigar smoking arrived in Juab County, the empty boxes became an excellent source to "keep stuff", as my father did. Some boxes were for nails or papers, but the contents of this one were....well...interesting! If such a box were discovered in this present day of violence, national security operatives may have been called. But no fear, these are the contents of a decent and noble man who passed away at age 81, leaving behind several cigar boxes of "good stuff". In this 5 cent cigar box, he had shotgun shells; World War I Ammo; medication from Nephi Drug; an unsharpened FFA pencil; sheep tag; mason's pencil; honorary FFA member pin; boondoggle; the mouthpiece from the family clarinet(I assume he hid it as none of his five kids played it very well); his wristwatch; a bar of soap that floats; a marble, but the most prized possession was his firecrackers. Alma liked to always have a supply on hand to light one behind some body when they were least expecting it. Thanks Dad for your guidance and entertainment, back then and now.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post about my grandpa! I really enjoyed listening to the history behind it in person too!
