Tuesday, June 14, 2016

During the hundred years of the 20th century, who would you consider the most "famous" and "infamous" of Juab High graduates.

In asking myself the same question and after careful study of thousands of people that have been given diplomas at Nephi and Juab High School, there really is only one person that could qualify for  both titles. It is the one and the only Tracy Booth. A couple weeks ago, he contacted me to share his views of what it was like to grow up in Nephi, Utah in the 50's and sixties. What he has put down in three pages could not be covered by anybody else and so descriptive without describing the details. I asked him to give the exact details of what he did to a Juab High School teacher when he was in school, as the story continues to change. Tracy responded by "The more the story gets told, the better it gets. Pretty soon, it will be me that shot President Kennedy". Back then it was a prank which received the support of another teacher/coach, who gave Tracy a blank pistol for starting races and sent him down to scare a teacher with it. Needless to say, what he did couldn't be done in schools today, without a total shut down of everything. At each class reunion the story is retold, and now there are at least a hundred people who witnessed the "point blank" encounter, even though there was only about 25 desks in the classroom where the Juab County Recorder's office now is. Although other students thought Tracy was headed to Sing Sing or Alcatraz, some people knew his intelligence as he excelled in scholastic's; Seminary graduate; went to Boys State and played baseball. Come to find out he was not a "Clyde" looking for a "Bonnie", but found Joann Jenkins, who was the finest of the finest and grew up in the fine home of Elwood and Corine Jenkins. I had to make sure Tracy was still a good guy, so who else would tell me the truth more than his mother in law, and she confirmed he is a great man and one of the best salesmen there is for a construction supply company in Salt Lake. There should be a 1954 photo of the first three kids of the Jenkins family, showing Wayne, Elwood, Joann and Jim; a photo of teachers Tracy spoke of and high school graduation stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I was in that class when Tracy opened the door and said "I've had enough of you Dalby!" I hit the floor. I will never forget the words and then Tracy's laugh. Morris saw Mr D in Chicago O'Hare Airport and recognized his voice first then saw him sitting very close so he said hello Mr Dalby. Mr D said hello Morris...how is Tracy Booth? They had a good laugh about the incident.
