Monday, June 6, 2016

Here is my knowledge of at least four garbage grounds of Nephi, Utah

Although history books often don't mention it, one of the best places to search for historical artifacts are where pioneer outhouses were. The last photo shows the 1848 home site which still stands on Antelope Island. The trouble came when we about to do an historical dig, but the two prior ranch managers had a disagreement on where the outhouse were. Come to find out, they were both right, as every few years, they were moved. It is a good place to find coins and guns that may have accidently fell in. The first photo is of Nephi's first junkyard-located where homes are now built on 1st East and 300 North, by the old hollow. It was just outside the Fort in early pioneer days. The second one I remember was south of where the Nephi gun range is and in view of the J hill. In the 1950's and sixties, Frank Phillipsen was the garbage man and all were amazed how this tall thin, but striated muscle man had the ability to heave those heavy metal tins up to the top of his truck, and always smiled and answered your query of how business was when he would respond with "It's pickin up". The third location was west and north of the airport and tended by Lamar Bowles. The excellent photo is by fourth grader Troy Jones, in his entry in the National PTA Reflections program which was titled "Where Does The Sky End". His parents think he won not just because of the photo, but his title which was "The Sky Ends...Where People Pollute". The present dead stuff is located southwest of Nephi, and ran by Juab County. Head man is Allen Pay and his two side kicks are Weston Jones and Lee Olsen, which are pictured. As in the case of Juab County, we don't have a lot of bad junk here, either in the skies or on the ground, and that is why you can still see majestic Mt. Nebo from the junkyard. Last year the deal was when the temperature hit 100 degrees, the hot tub could be used by the three bikini gals that entered the contest. This year, when it hits a hundred, Mr. Cinco de Mayo was the first applicant and so he is there waiting for it to get hotter.

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