Thursday, June 30, 2016

The place to be for a fourth of July celebration is in Nephi, Utah.

If you are coming to Nephi for the Fourth of July celebration, here is a little side information about the log cabin in the Southeast corner of the Nephi City Park(it used to be called "Pioneer Park"). Some folks think it was used by pioneers, but actually built in 1934 by the Juab County Daughters of Utah Pioneers as a memorial to those early settlers. Although there was some cost involved, most of the work and materials was donated by locals to pay tribute to the noble pioneers of Juab County, Utah. Now the rest of the story, at least my side of it. The logs used to construct that log cabin were taken from the forest area north of Devil's Kitchen on the Nebo Loop Road. Evan Harris had a sawmill there and volunteered to bring the logs down with a team of horses. His contribution may have been his last act of nobleness as he died at his home in July, 1934, the home being located next to the creek, where the second Juab County Jail is now located. The photo is taken from the Alice P. McCune book of The History of Juab County, and her note to The Times News is taken from Vol. 24, No. 33 of August 16, 1934. I hoped to place the entire contents of the paper here,  but it was a large paper, being 15 1/2 inches wide and 11 inches tall. We also included a photo of Evan Harris, as well as his official license and badge to show he was given a license to "operate an outfit for the threshing of grain in the State of Utah During the year 1918". It was given the stamp of approval by some guy in Washington named Hoover. In addition to the DUP honoring Mr. Harris, we included a copy of a speech about Dad's composed by his daughter in 1931.

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