Monday, June 6, 2016

What looks like a 9 cent cigar but aint, and yet they are both fifty plus years old.

Fifty years ago, an empty cigar box was the main thing to keep all of ones valuables in. This is the lid from one that is at least that old, and still contains good things including a metal match holder, marbles and a "church key"(to open beer bottles with).

The second item is a muffler insert from about 1963, and originally belonged to Hal Jones. He and Mike Royce could have been some of the first teenagers to buy  Honda 50's from Glade Sanders at Garrett's in Nephi. Although Chief of Police Jack Brough didn't approve of taking the muffler inserts out, they made more noise to show off the new motorcycle and without disturbing the peace like a Harley does. Back then, most Honda's were white and you could tote things on them a heck of a lot better than a Tote Gote which was the main machine for going in to the back country with.

Although Kirk and Jeff Sanders would like to sell you a new motorcycle, I think I will keep my decades old red three wheeler. It only needs a shot of gas every few years and can drive it over to the Serv where they can give me a yearly shot of free air.

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