Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Ringley Brothers and Barum and Bailey Circus came to Nephi today...

Not only is this a true story, it is about as exclusive as it gets. The Circus came to Nephi on this day in history-June 14, 2016. All sixty four box cars pulled in to the Nephi area at approximately 2:40 P.M. As there was only three people to witness such an event, the train departed the area at 2:54 P.M. We are not sure exactly where they are heading, but the rumor mill at the water hole at Mills Junction reports they were full steam ahead, going to the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, starting on June 16th.

I hope the photos turn out, as we had fun waving to the circus folks and have them wave back. Indications are the 145 year history of this circus may be the only places to see wild animals(other than those Juab County workers on the road to Mills), so get your tickets.

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