Monday, June 6, 2016

Journals have always been kept in the Jones family.....for fact finding and for fun. This one is for fun.

I ran across several small notebooks put away a few years ago, so thought it was time to reveal some of the information.

July 24, 1981. Big Cottonwood Canyon. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Kent Jones weighs 203 pounds, but with backpack, he is at 243.

Shane Jones weighs 68 pounds, but with backpack, he is at 82.

Travis Jones weighs 70 pounds, but with backpack, he is at 80 pounds.

Left at 10:30 A.M. Arrive at Lake at 4:00 P.M.

"My name is Shane we sitting around the camp fire. We just got done eating. We caught one fish. We so some pot guts. Travis took a poop in the trees. He is a goon. We went was freezing. We saw some weird looking animals. We went to all three lakes. Kent's got to take a leek."

"My name is Travis Lee Jones. On the trail up we saw pot guts"

"This is Kent. Now it's my turn. We are in our sleeping bags, and it is about to pour cats an dogs". I got between Shane and Travis so the bears don't eat me first. We caught one brook trout, but threw it back. We had potatoes and Spam for supper. The hike is longer than the last time I came or I am getting older".

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