Saturday, January 8, 2022


I have often declared I haven't watched a TV News report for nearly half a century. I knew long ago that some of the stories were not telling the truth of what really happened, as I was there and knew exactly what happened. I suppose though, that we all have our own version of what TRUTH really is, and that even the Holy Bible has a variety of versions of what things are. Anywho, I do like to read our local paper in Juab County called The Times News. For the past hundred or so years, I read and reread many of the reports and have found them to be more accurate than anything I have seen on or in major media hokey pokey stuff. So if you weren't around in 1927, we have a couple pages from the local paper way back when. I think we must have kept this copy as the kids of our future mother-LaVon Harris is mentioned in the write up about Nephi High School. Have fun reading the Horse buggy VS. the Chevy at Grace Motors!

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