Saturday, January 1, 2022

If your name is Tolley and born in Utah or Idaho in the 1850's, whose kid are you anyway.

When Wm. Fisher Tolley came west with the Mormon Pioneers, it is hard to keep track of whose kid belongs to who. Upon Brother Brigham's blessing, Wm. Tolley corralled and hitched his saddle with four wives, the first two producing a wagon load of kids and those kids had a slew. I like history, but the Tolley clan is more than one can count on all fingers and toes. We came across an obituary notice from 1913 and that threw me through a loop as the only Sarah Jane Tolley I was aware of was the father of Ron, Harold and Nadine Blackett Jones. Nope, there was another Sarah and it only took 6 months to track her history down. Todays history is on Sarah Jane Picton who was born in 1852, in Swinton, England, a place I strolled through for a few days an icon ago. When she hit Nephi, she married Samuel Tolley, a son of Wm. Fisher Tolley. This couple had a dozen kids, including Samuel James Tolley, Wm. Francis Tolley, Phillip Harold Tolley, Charles Melvin Tolley, Rosa Jeanette Tolley, George Warren Tolley, Elizabeth Picton Tolley, Jesse Picton Tolley, Lola Matilda Tolley, Lucille Tolley and Calvin Dean Tolley. How does a parent keep track of each kid, but in those days, everybody in Juab County knew each other and looked out for each other. I bring this up and did some research as I was intrigued by how they did a death notice back then as compared to now. By the way, this Jane Tolley died in Morgan, Utah at 61 years old, but returned to be buried by her husband in the Tolley grave area at Nephi's Vine Bluff cemetery, and that ain't no bluff.

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