Sunday, January 16, 2022


Modern day folks said it could never be done, and even School District officials so declared it, but the builder knew better. When he obtained the contract to build the brand new High School on Nephi's Main in 1922, he told a young man that was learning the trade of masonry and brick laying that his building would stand for a hundred years. Alma Jones told me that when school officials said the building was in bad shape, they needed to tear in down and build a new one at the top of 7th North. Well, citizens didn't like that, but the school and politicians got their way and built a new one anyway. The old one stood vacant for awhile, and finally Juab County obtained it; modified it and made it in to the County Complex, and even the old Auditorium stands as a model of Fine Arts. Now I hear tell that the school wants another new school. Do what you wish, but when this marvel building was built, it was built like they did things in Rome. They were built to last, and even a Second Floor fire years ago couldn't knock it down. The Boys gym was built during WPA days of the Roosevelt years, and once again politician's want to knock it down, but a sturdy building it remains, at least in the view of some of us locals that examined it closely. Nobody wants to celebrate it, but I don't mind bringing the truth to light. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUILDING FOR THE STUDENTS. The N has faded on the side of the mountain and J was placed there to show it is now Juab High. And look at the guys at the bottom of the front page. It was Church Ball, but in real life it was War Ball. And most of the boys became Men in going to war; LDS Missions and being the strong men they were taught back then. My construction hat goes off to all students that passed through the Main building of a century ago, and yes those that swam in the swimming pool that used to be right below where the County Agent now has offices. People of today don't understand it, but the main cost of a pool is not building it, it is maintaining it. Look what happened to Arrowhead of Benjamin. With all matters of life, this old former policitcan learned the motive behind decisions of humans. Some people hide their real motive deep within. Search for it.

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